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57. Why does the author mention that pupils tried to look like or behave like the celebrities they most admired, with some girls even dressing “unsuitably”?

  A. The pupils think it interesting to pretend to be the celebrities.

B. The behavior or the dress of celebrities can be followed as examples.

C. The author wants to show the negative influence these celebrities had on the students.

D. The author just wants to show being pop stars is very valuable to the students.


56. The story mainly tells us that ______.

B. most students think that being pop stars is more valuable than other career achievements

C. the celebrity passion has a harmful impact upon British students’ studies

D. a survey was made recently about the popularity of the stars


70.A reader subscribed PARENTS 3 months ago, but now he finds the magazine dissatisfying. What can he do?

    A.He can cancel without getting his money back.

    B.He can cancel after answering a series of questions.

    C.He can email them to access his bank account to get all his money back.

    D.He can cancel and get all his money back without answering any questions.




A recent survey of teachers found that an unhealthy passion with celebrity(名人) culture is having a negative effect on British students’ studies and it discovered that celebrity couple, the Beckhams, are the favorites among most students. Many students are ignoring building their own careers to seek a chance at fame instead, the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) survey found.

Almost two-thirds of teachers said sports stars were the type of celebrity many pupils wanted to follow while more than half of students wanted to be pop stars.

The survey said the celebrities that students aspired to mostly were David and Victoria Beckham who live in Los Angeles now. Soccer player Beckham is on the top of the survey while in second place, with almost a third of the survey’s votes, was his 33-year-old pop star wife.

Almost half of the 300 teachers surveyed said pupils tried to look like or behave like the celebrities they most admired, with some girls even dressing "unsuitably".

"We are not surprised about the influence of celebrity culture in schools -it reflects the current media passion with celebrities and the effect of celebrity culture on society as a whole," ATL general secretary Mary Bousted said in a statement.

"Celebrities can have a positive effect on pupils. They can raise pupils’ aspirations and desires for the future. However, celebrity culture can spread the idea that celebrity status is the greatest achievement and reinforce the belief that other career choices are not as valuable," said one primary school teacher. "Too many of the pupils believe that school success is unnecessary, because they will be able to get fame and fortune quite easily through a reality TV show."


69.What benefit can the readers possibly get according to the ad?

    A.Only $12 is to be paid for 24 issues of the magazine.

    B.Readers can get a free offer of the magazine any time of the year.

    C.Readers from all over the world can enjoy the free offer.

    D.Readers can communicate face to face with child experts on the Internet.


68.The purpose of the advertisement is _______.

    A.to help parents with their daily life     B.to attract more subscribers

    C.to collect more money for charity      D.to introduce a new product


67. The best title for this passage may probably be __________.

A. Birds Thin Down For Journey      B. Birds Fatten Up For Journey

C. How Birds Build Up Fat For Journey   D. How Birds Burn Energy For Journey

答案:64-67 DCDB 


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66. A _______ red knot wading bird has a better chance to survive during its migrating flight.

A. stronger    B. weaker     C. thinner    D. fatter


65. During their migrating flight, red knot wading birds can save energy by flying ________.

A. separately   B. alone     C. in groups   D. in pairs


64. A red knot wading bird of 100 grams will probably weigh _________ before making its nonstop migrating flight.

A. 50 grams    B. 100 grams   C. 150 grams   D. 200 grams


63. When he was removed from the house, _______.

    A. the deer was set free B. the deer destroyed the tub and the floor

    C. the officials made fun of the couple   D. officials discovered the deer was badly injured in the eye

答案:60-63 CADA 


As skies are filled with millions of migrating(迁徙)birds, European scientists say the seasonal wonder appears to be strange: The fatter the bird, the better it flies.

The results of their study led to a theory opposite to a central one of aerodynamics(空气动力学),which say that the power needed to fly increased with weight.

For birds, obviously, the cost of flying with heavy fat is much smaller than we used to think. Researchers found that red knot wading birds double their normal body weight of 100 grams before making their twice-a-year nonstop flight between the British Isles and the Russian Arctic. Distance: 5,000 kilometers.

Another study in the magazine Nature measured the advantage of flying in an aerodynamic group which allows birds to save energy by flying smoothly and quietly in the lead bird’s air stream.

Flying in groups, their heart rates were 14.5 percent lower than flying alone, according to Henri, a French scientist. The findings help explain how birds complete difficult migrations. Researchers had thought that thinner, stronger birds would have the best chance to survive.

The first study suggests that building up fat to be burnt as fuel during the migration is worth more than the energy it bakes to carry the additional weight.

In the study, researchers said their team studied the birds flown at different body weights during 28 simulated(模拟的)flights. They forced a small amount of special water into the birds’ bodies so that they could measure the amount of energy burnt during the flight.

