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53. What do you suppose probably happened to the author the next day?

A. He went to a church to pray again.     B. He passed the exam all by luck.

C. He failed in the exam.          D. He was punished by his teacher.


52. Reviewing his lessons that night didn’t help him because ____________.

A. it was too late at night        B. he was very tired

C. his eyelids were so heavy that he couldn’t keep them open

D. he hadn’t studied hard before the examination


51. The underlined word “wretched” in Paragraph 3 probably means ____________.

  A. happy      B. disappointed      C. unhappy   D. hopeful


75. We can infer from the passage that _______.

A. The text is an ad for Karen Walsh’s company Geneus Films.

B. Today no one passes on family stories by word of mouth.

C. Karen Walsh produced family documentaries by looking at family history web pages.

D. Posting family photographs, videos, audio recordings is a way of preserving family history.

答案:71-75 ACADD


74. Sydie Bones wanted to ______.

A. make a meaningful photo album for her son.   B. order a special cake for her son’s 50th birthday

C. allow future generation know her family online  D. have a movie as a record of a happy family life


73. According to Karen Walsh, what is a great way to keep a record of family history?

A. A documentary.  B. A photo album.  C. Posting work on the Net. D. A video or an audio recording.


72. People used to know their family history by ______.

A. reading stories written by the older generation    B. keeping photos and video recordings of their ancestors

C. listening to family stories told by the older generation D. surfing the Internet and finding about their family


71. The text is mainly about_______.

A. how to record family history.  B. how to use the Internet  C .how to study history  D. how to keep a record 


70. In which part of a newspaper do you think can find this text?

A. News.       B. Science.         C. Nature.          D. Politics.

答案:66-70 BCBAB


Once upon a time, families kept a sense of their history through passing on their lives to the younger generation by word of mouth. That kind of transmission (传递) is beautiful in its way, but it can be unreliable.

Today it doesn’t have to be that way. We have so many means of recording lives: photographs, videos and audio tapes.

Google “family history” and you’ll see that millions of people all over the world are posting their work on the Internet. In 100 years, our great-grandchildren will be able to learn about the lives of past generation by going online.

A British woman has had the idea of starting a company offering to make films for families of a professional standard. Former BBC documentary-maker Karen Walsh got the idea for her company, Geneus films, after she made a film about her own family history.

Speaking to the UK newspaper The Daily Telegraph she said of filming her relatives: “I could record them in their own words. I made a full-blown (全面的) documentary, just like those I make for the BBC and saw that other families might like the same sort of record.”

The Daily Telegraph talked to one of Karen’s happy customers, Sydie Bones, a 75-year-old woman from England. She planned something special for her son’s 50th birthday, something a bit more meaningful than a birthday cake and photo album. She wanted a film to show just how close her family is, what great laughers and talkers its members are.


69. What does Clive Wynne think about the experiment?

A. The experiment may measure the animals’ reaction to fairness. 

B. The researchers didn’t do a control test.

C. The test works only if when dogs got reward.

D. Dogs are very sensitive to what people are doing.

