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62. What influences Americans most according to the passage? 

A. Agriculture of Native Americans.       B. Ancient Indian medicines. 

C. Native American inventions.          D. Indian languages. 


61. What does“Native Americans”refer to in the passage? 

A. Europeans settling in the Americas.        B. People born and living in America. 

C. American Indians.                D. Ancestors of Americans. 


60. From the passage we know that Jeff Erler _____.

  A. wouldn’t employ people he considered to be immoral  B. liked to hire unmarried women employees

  C. didn’t care about the personal life of his employees   D. would fire any of his employees for no reason

答案:56-60 BCAD


After the coming of Europeans to the Americas, Indians were forced to change their way of life. Yet the influence of Native American culture is still felt throughout the United States.

Many of the foods commonly eaten in the United States today were first grown by American Indians. Among these foods are corn, white and sweet potatoes, peanuts, pumpkins, tomatoes, and certain beans and berries. Native Americans also discovered ways to use herbs and other plants as medicines.

Native American inventions, such as canoes, ponchos and parkas(风雪衣),hammocks(吊床)and snowshoes are still in use today. Other marks of Indian culture were left in American place names. The state of Alaska, for example, takes its name from a Native American word meaning“great land”.

Today nearly 1.5 million Native Americans live in the United States. Some still preserve the ways of their ancestors, speaking Indian languages and keeping alive their legends, art forms, and customs. Other Native Americans keep few of the old ways, but remain proud of their people’s contributions to American history.

Americans have come to appreciate the beauty of Indian crafts(工艺). Many artists find inspiration in traditional Indian designs. Many Indian values, too, have become widely held. Americans today believe that the land, air and water are precious resources (资源) that must be carefully protected. As one government official wrote recently:

We have slowly come back to some of the truths that the Indians knew from the beginning. People need to learn from nature, to keep an ear to the earth, and to refill their spirits in frequent contacts with animals and wild land.


59. The main reason for Ms. Garcia’s being out of work is _____.

A. her nationality   B. her race  C. her poor working relations  D. her way of life


58. How did Erler treat Ms Garcia during the first seven months?

  A. He treated her quite well.     B. He didn’t trust her at all.

  C. He was too hard on her.     D. He made her work long hours.


57. Which of the following shows Ms. Garcia was a member of minorities?

A. She was female.   B. She was not married.  C. She was black.  D. She looked old.


56. Ms. Garcia didn’t answer the question on the application form because _____.

A. she didn’t have enough time to finish it  B. she didn’t want the boss to know her living situation

  C. she was not allowed to answer it     D. she had no home address at all


67. One who is taking ARICEPT should go to see a doctor if he     .

    A.feels like a drunken man  B.feels tired out  C.has no desire to eat  D.can’t fall asleep

答案:65-67 BDA



Silvia Garcia, a colored woman, applied for a job at a small company. One question on the application form was “Who else lives at your home address?” Ms. Garcia did not answer this question. She left the space blank.

  The boss, Jeff Erler, was a very religious(虔诚信教的)man. He had started the company himself and felt that his employees were like his family. Mr. Erler interviewed Ms. Garcia personally. He noticed that she had marked“single”on her application and he was surprised that she was not married at her age. When he mentioned this to her, she just laughed and did not answer. He decided that she was a very nice woman. He also needed to hire members of minorities, the black, so he hired her.

Ms. Garcia did very well in the company. In a few months she got a raise and was happy with the additional money. However, seven months after Mr. Erler hired her, he overheard a conversation in the dining-hall. Two other workers were talking about her and“the guy she’s living with.”

  Mr. Erler called Ms. Garcia into his office that afternoon. He questioned her about her living situation and she admitted that she was living with her boyfriend. Mr. Erler told her that he was very sorry, but he did not want immoral(不道德)people to work in his company. At first, she could not believe that Mr. Erler was serious. She told him that he had no right to call her immoral because she was living with her boyfriend. She said that as long as she was a good worker, her personal life was her own business and that he could not make judgments about it. However, Mr. Erler fired Ms. Garcia.


66. What is ARICEPT ?

    A.A medicine to cure Alzheimer’s    B.A medicine to delay signs of aging .

    C.A medicine to cure brain damage .  D.A medicine to reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer’s .


65. If one suffers from Alzheimer’s ,      .

    A.he can’t do everyday things on his own    B.he has trouble with his memory

    C.he often forgets things because he is old   D.he can’t move about

