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9. She ___ for the professor who was ill.

   A. substituted    B. changed        C. shifted    D. replaced 


8. Throughout the year over two million people are expected to directly ___ Japan 2005,a series of festivals and performances taking place around the  country.

   A. visit       B. participate in    C. involve    D. come to


7. ---Is Bob still performing?

---I’m afraid not. He is said ___ the stage already as he has become an official.

   A. to have left      B. to leave 

   C. to have been left   D. to be left


6. The scientist ___ his research for a lack of fund.

   A. deserted     B. canceled      C. abandoned    D. quilted


5. Charles Babbage is generally considered ___ the first computer.

   A. having invented     B.  inventing 

   C. to have invented    D. to invent


4. I send you 100 dollars today, the rest ___ in a year.

   A. follows     B. followed     C. to follow    D. being followed


3. An army spokesman stressed that all the soldiers had been ordered ____ clear warnings before firing any shots.

   A. to issue    B. being issued     C. to have issued  D. to be issued


2. He is ___ with the striking workers.

   A. sympathy    B. synthetic      C. sympathetic   D. sympathize


1. She listened attentively while he poured out all his ____ for the future.

   A. attempts    B. congratulations   C. belief     D. ambition


第二节 书面表达(满分10分)


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