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25. ---Why is she out of ____breath? 

---Some boys made ____ fun of her. She was so angry that she ran after them.

A. /, /         B. a, a    C. the, a           D. a, /


24. ---What do you think of Mrs. Smith? 

---She is ______ as you could ever meet.

A. an as kind lady     B. as a kind lady C. as kind a lady D. kind as a lady


23. Laura was happy ____ by so many kind-hearted friends when she had a serious operation in hospital.

A. to support         B. to be supported    C. being supported    D. supported


22. After a fire broke out in the workshop, a lot of equipment ____.

A. is damaged  B. had damaged    C. was damaged D. damaged



 从A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白的最佳选项

21. You are___ to meet many difficulties when you are seeking success.

A. eager     B. anxious          C. interested         D. bound


第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 请听下面5段对话或对白,选出最佳选项。

请听第6段材料,回答第6、7题 。

6. What happened to the man?

A. He lost his wallet.         B. He broke his desk.     

C. He was late for work this morning.

7. What will the man do after the conversation?

A. Go to the supermarket. B. Go to the police station. 

C. Make a phone call.


8. Which bus had the women better take according to the man?

A. No.15.                  B. No.18.                  C. No.25.

9. What does the man tell the woman to take?

A. A towel.              B. Soap.               C. A swimming cap.

10. What can the woman buy at the sports center?

A. Fruit.                B. Drinks.               C. Sandwiches.


11. What is the man’s trouble?

A. He has no money with him.     B. He has trouble choosing a present.

C. He can’t afford a handbag.

12. What can we know about the man’s mother?

A. She is interested in housework.       B. She doesn’t like handbags.

C. She is good at making clothes.

13. What does the man decide to buy at last?

A. Some skirt material.        B. A nice dress.      C. A magazine about design.


14. What did the man do after he read the newspaper this morning?

A. He went to his office.        B. He turned on the computer.

C. He checked his e-mail.

15. How did the man know there was a big fire in Hong Kong yesterday?

A. His father sent him the message.    B. He got the news from his brother.

C. He read it from the newspaper.

16. Which of the following is TRUE according to the conversation?

A. The man’s mother’s birthday is coming.

B. The man’s sister lives with his parents.

C. The woman like seeing video images.


17. Which place will the travelers visit first?

A.  Pigeon Point.        B. A seaside café.          C. An ice-cream factory.

18. What does the speaker advise the travelers to bring?

A. Food.            B. Medicine.                   C. Swimsuits.

19. What animals can the travelers see in the nature reserve according to the talk?

A. Giraffes.           B. Monkeys.                   C. Elephants.

20. What extra costs does the speaker mention?

A. Money for souvenirs.    B. Tips for the tour guide.   C. Tips for the hotel clerks. 


第二节 书面表达


1.    分析沉迷于“QQ农场”的原因;

2.    分析其负面影响;

3.    解决方法以及你的看法或建议。

注意:1. 开头已给出,不计入总次数;2. 词数100左右。

Recently our English teacher organized a discussion about middle school students playing the

game “QQ Farm”.


第一节 短文改错





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I was used to feel sleepy in class and couldn’t focus on the lessons the teachers give. As a result, not only did I do bad in my studies, but also my health went from bad to worse, about which I was often scolded by my parents. I was also annoying about my situation. About half a year ago, followed the head teacher’s advice, I began to participate in some sport activities and kept on playing basketball for 45 minutes and so every day till today. Now my health has been greatly improved, so at the same time, I’ve made good progress in all my lessons. Physical exercise has changed me into an entire new person!

