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35. Here are some Christmas presents, ____you can choose one for yourself.

A. in which         B. from which        C. between which  D. through which


34. Many political leaders attended the conference and among those present ____ the foreign minister and his wife.

A. were            B. included          C. had           D. remained


33. --- You should have gone to see the film. It’s very moving.

---______, we arrived too late to catch the last bus.

A. Absolutely       B. Gradually         C. Constantly    D. Unfortunately


32._______ you can finish the task on time, it doesn’t matter how you do it.

A. so long as          B. as soon as        C. as well as     D. so far as 


31. Many residents are supposed to ____ the motorway. It is not a wise decision.

A. build          B. building       C. be building    D. have built


30. When paying for a taxi, he never looks at his wallet –just takes out one note ____ and hands it over.

A. by accident         B. on occasion       C. at random     D. on average


29. The teacher made____ her duty to care for the lives and study of her students.

A. one              B. that             C. it             D. this


28. Anny was banned ______ driving for two years because of a serious accident caused by drinking and driving.

A. against           B. from         C. in            D. to


27. Nowadays, the children ______ the bad habit of turning on the TV as soon as they come back from school.

A. get off           B. get across            C. get through           D. get into


26. --- Mum, I’ve got a job at the television station.

  ---Wow! ______.

A. Take it easy  B. I’m so pound of you  

C. I’m not sure  D. Wish you luck

