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第二节: 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

Paul hated school. He did not do his homework. He did not like his teachers. Paul’s mother did not know  36  to do with him. His  37  did not know either. One afternoon, all his teachers at Pittsburgh Hight School met together with him to  38  his case. Paul was  39  . When he entered the  40  , his teachers were already there waiting for him.

He was tall  41  his age and very thin. His clothes were too small for him, but they were clean. He had a bright red  42  in the button hole of his black jacket. One of the teachers asked Paul  43  he had come to the meeting. Paul said  44  that he wanted to do better in school. This was a  45  . Paul often lied.

His teachers began to speak. They all agreed that Paul was the one to  46 . One said Paul talked to the other students instead of  47  attention to the lessons. Another said Paul always sat in class with his hands covering his eyes. A third teacher said Paul looked“out of the  48 ”instead of looking at her. His teachers  49  him without mercy.

Paul’s eyebrows(眉毛)moved up and down as his  50  never left his face, but his fingers  51  as he touched the flower on his jacket. At last the meeting was over, Paul’s smile got even wider. He bowed gracefully(优雅地)and left the room.

His teachers were  52  and confused. Then the art teacher came in and said there was something about Paul that other teachers didn’t  53  .“I don’t think he really  54  to be bad,”he said. “He’s just very  55  .”Then he told them that Paul had to work in a club every night to help support his family, for his single mother had been ill for several months.

36. A. how          B. what             C. when            D. where

37. A. father         B. brother           C. teachers          D. friends

38. A. solve          B. discuss           C. argue            D. settle

39. A. early          B. late              C. worried           D. sleepy

40. A. school         B. gate             C. flat              D. room

41. A. for               B. at               C. of               D. on

42. A. cloth          B. leaf              C. flower          D. handkerchief

43. A. why          B. how             C. when            D. whether

44. A. coldly         B. politely           C. surprisingly           D. excitedly

45. A. truth          B. problem           C. wish             D. lie

46. A. praise         B. question          C. blame            D. punish

47. A. paying         B. having            C. holding           D. attracting

48. A. glasses         B. window           C. book             D. club

49. A. asked          B. hated             C. attacked          D. examined

50. A. anger          B. smile             C. surprise           D. examined

51. A. shook         B. hurt             C. bent             D. moved

52. A. angry          B. excited           C. pleased           D. satisfied

53. A. understand      B. notice            C. want             D. know

54. A. means         B. has              C. manages          D. decides

55. A. sad           B. happy            C. tired             D. busy


35.-Would you mind if I use your computer for a little while?

-     ?

A. No please don’t                B. I’d rather you didn’t

C. I’m afraid not                 D. Sure, it’s my pleasure


34. The fireworks _____ by the workers sent the whole building into fire.

A. set off        B. took off          C. put off              D. sent off


33. You see the lightning _____ it happens, but you hear the thunder later.

A. the moment                B. for the moment

C. at the moment               D. in a moment


32. It’s high time that you ____ to study English.

A. begin        B. will begin         C. have begun        D. began


31. ---Do you think it ____ to argue with them?

  ---The question is not worthy ____.

A. worth; discussing              B. worthwhile; to be discussed

C. worthy; to discuss             D. worth; to be discussed


30. Over a third of the population were believed to have no _____to health care.

A. access              B. basis            C. belief        D. aid

