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31.It was not until     that     to study English.

    A.did he came to Beijing; did he begin    B.did he come to Beijing; he began

    C.he came to Beijing; did he began   D.he came to Beijing; he began


30.This book will    to the students of English.

    A.be of great value       B.be of great valuable

    C.be great value      D.be of very value


29.-Do you like a house with no garden?

    -     . But anyhow, it’s better to have one than none.

    A.Not a bit  B.Not a little     C.Not really  D.Not especially


28.As we have know from the map of the world, this is     .

    A.twice as large an island as that    B.twice as larger as that island

    C.as twice large as that one D.twice as a large island as that


27.Such      the case, I couldn’t help but     him.

    A.is; to support      B.being; support

    C.has been; supporting    D./; supported


26.It is known    two and one makes three is correct.

    A.that that   B.that what  C.that why  D.that all


25.The Internet is an important channel of learning more information, but many people use it for 

        Purpose than to send and receive e-mails.

    A.another   B.other C.the other  D.no other


24.Many companies are closing up, so lots of workers will be    .

    A.laid down  B.laid out   C.laid off   D.laid aside


23.Last term our Professor Zhang set so difficult an examination problem     none of us worked out.

    A.that  B.as    C.so that    D.which


22.-Li Qiang, a disabled  man, won the National Championships Cup last week.

    -My goodness! He     a lot of difficulties!

    A.may go through        B.might go through

    C.must have gone through  D.ought to have gone through

