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11. Every possible means _______to prevent the air pollution, but the sky is still not clear.

A. are being used   B. have been used     C. has been used    D. had been used


10. Your composition is _________to your brother’s.

A. the same     B. identical      C. different   D. equal


9. The suggestion they all objected to________to be effective finally.

A.proving  B.prove   C.had proved     D.proved


8. -Shirley, can I have a look at your photos?

-    .Here you are.

A. By any means   B. By no means    C. By this means     D. By all means


7. She is too fat, but she can’t ________ sweet.

A. remove    B. resist      C. reject      D. object


6. He can hardly      his wife’s bad-temper, so he decided to seek divorce with her.

A. teamed up with    B. caught up with   C. put up with   D. kept up with 


5. She is usually     to be one of our best artists.

A. regard   B. acknowledged      C. received         D. attempted


4. ---- What do you think of Harry, our new roommate?

  ---- I am not sure, but he is always asking ______ questions and    them are very hard to answer.

A. a great many of; a great number of      B. a great many; many of

C. a great number; a great many of       D. a large amount of , many


3. It is _____that he has been addicted to the drugs and has difficulty quitting it.

A. obviously    B. apparently    C. possibly     D. likely


2. Tony, a good basketball player, has the     of being the tallest boy in the class.

A. division   B. competence   C. distinction   D. status

