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19. It’s worth considering what makes his English so wonderful, and _______ his learning methods to your English study.

A. apply           B. to apply      C. applying     D. applied


18. Miss Smith is a strict but good teacher , _____ often cares about our life and study at school.

A. one who    B. whoever    C. the one    D. the person


17. There is hardly an environment on earth _____ some species of animals or other have not adapted successfully.

A. to which   B. in which   C. for which    D. on which


16. Accustomed ______ in this way, the wife didn’t complain any more.

A. to treating   B. to treat     C. to being treated   D. to be treated  



15. For breakfast he only drinks juice from fresh fruit _______ on his own farm.

A. grown   B. being grown       C. to be grown   D. to grow


第二节 信息获取

听下面一段对话。 请根据题目要求,从所给的内容中获取必要的信息,填入答题卷标号为9-14的空格中。录音读两遍。

Villa Rentals

Where to go
Iniscia in _9______________
How many people
Five: a couple and _10_____________________
Two weeks, from _11___________ to 17 inclusive
Location of the house
Set on a hilltop with a big garden and sea view
Description of the house
Two double bedrooms, a single bedroom, _12______, a dining room.
Total cost
£_13______________ for two weeks, including the _14_______________.


第二节     完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)

That day I was later for school, so Mom offered me a  36  . I sat beside her in our car, daydreaming about my  37  . I’d be graduating from high school in a few months. I’d leave high school behind and do whatever I wanted. What  38  I do? Go to college? Or get a job in an office where I could  39  my way up?

Mom interrupted my thoughts.“Kassandra, do you  40   that?’’She asked just as we were  41   the railroad tracks. She stopped the car on the other side and  42   the window. “It looks like a child.’’  43  ,I saw a small boy walking by himeself. The warning lights on the train tracks flashed  44  .The boy stayed where he was right in the middle of the  45  .The whistle sounded. There’s no  46   that train can stop in time!The boy jumped up and down and  47   at the engineer.

I took off running. My shoes flopped(松动) against my feet as I  48  , so I kicked them off. I ran faster. Stones crunched(发出刺耳的碎裂声) and flew under my  49   feet. The ground shook. God, let me get to him! The train was almost on top of him. I  50  the boy in my arms. Keep running! But something  51   

me. I fell backward, away from the train. I pulled the boy with me onto safe ground. The train barreled(高速行驶)past. The noise was  52  . The wheels were so close that I could have reached out and touched one.

    Once the train was out of  53  , I stood up. Mom ran up and hugged me. “Kassandra, I didn’t think you were going to  54  it !’’

    I got ready for bed that night  55  looking forward to school the next day. I wanted to enjoy every moment in life.

    36.A.help            B.favor            C.hand              D.ride

    37.A.love            B.future           C.job               D.university

    38.A.would          B.should           C.could             D.might

    39.A.walk           B.struggle          C.feel               D.work

    40.A.see             B.hear             C.watch             D.find

    41.A.passing          B.repairing         C.crossing           D.building   

    42.A.brought down     B.rolled out         C.pointed out         D.looked out

    43.A.At length        B.Frankly speaking    C.After all           D.Sure enough

    44.A.red             B.yellow           C.green             D.black

    45.A.streets          B.train            C.tracks             D.roads

    46.A.possibility        B.problem          C.way              D.doubt

    47.A.shot            B.waved           C.shouted            D.laughed

    48.A.ran             B.drove            C.thought            D.walked

    49.A.big             B.bare             C.fast               D.quick

    50.A.drew           B.held             C.led               D.caught

    51.A.attracted         B.knocked          C.struck             D.pushed

    52.A.deafening        B.sounding         C.exciting            D.loud

    53.A.fashion          B.mind            C.sight              D.date

    54.A.fetch           B.do              C.make             D.get

    55.A.thus            B.already           C.never             D.still

