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66.The purpose of the passage is __________.

A. to teach you how to take photos

B. to tell people what a good news photo is

C. to remind people not to disturb others while taking photos

D. to encourage you to share the take


65.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. You Witness News is a part of a website.

B. The photos or videos you take are only shared by Yahoo!.

C. Give a brief description of yourself when submitting your photos and videos.

D. Any photo or video you take will be accepted by You Witness News.


64.The following are the features of a good news photograph EXCEPT that __________.

A. it is unique                      B. it is timely

C. it respects others’ privacy and the law    D. it can raise specialists’ interest


63. What does a doctor require a kid to do in the test to diagnose ADHD? 

A. Speak out the two letters “A” and “X”.  B. Write down the letters shown on the screen of a computer. 

C. Act to a combination of letters.  D. Make out each letter shown on the screen of a computer. 

答案:60-63 BADC


Submit(提交), Yahoo!, and the Reuters professional picture service, used by thousands of news organizations worldwide.

When you send images to pics@, please provide the following so that we can review and post them:

Your full name

Your email address or phone number

A brief description of the event you shot with the place and date that it occurred

Share your take with the world.

What make a good news photograph?

As you’re thinking about taking news photographs, think about what makes up a good picture.

Most importantly, it will be of interest to a wide audience(观众). It may describe an event in the news: a train crash, a clash in the streets, crazily happy fans the moment the big game is won.

Uniqueness(独一无二) is eye-catching. A picture that no one else took has much more news value than one taken alongside a rank of other photographers. A good news picture will tell a story without words. It will have background by showing the surrounding scene, or show the emotion(情感)on the faces of the people in the picture.

Timeliness is of decisive importance. Whatever the content, a news picture can lose its value in a short space of time. News events move quickly, and the shot of a mini tornado you took last week may have been used for the front page when you took it, but of no interest to a newspaper or a website(网站)a week later.

Control is important. Please remember, absolutely no photo is worth bothering others, putting yourself or others in danger, or getting in trouble with the law.

We’re looking forward to seeing your pictures.


62. The Virtual Classroom was probably set up to __________.

A. replace traditional classrooms         B. cure ADHD

C. improve the conditions of kids with ADHD    D. test and treat kids with ADHD


61. One serious problem with kids with ADHD is that they __________.

A. don’t think before they do or say something  B. have a bad memory

C. don’t stop talking and always interrupt others’ talking  D. leave school earlier 


60. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. Virtual Reality             B. Virtual Classroom for Kids with ADHD

C. The Symptoms(症状) of ADHD    D. How to Deal With ADHD


59. According to the passage,     are more likely to become addicted to online games.

   A. people under great pressure from school and work

   B. people well-known in the field of computer games

   C. people with unsolved problems and few friends

D. people who'd like to take a risk in computer games

答案:56-59 CBCB


Some kids can’t sit still for very long. They have a hard time paying attention to just one thing. They’re easily distracted(分心), they can get very impatient, they hate standing in line or waiting for their turn in a game or activity, they get bored pretty fast, and they may also be impulsive (冲动的) - saying the first thing that comes to mind or interrupting someone else who’s talking.

For certain kids, this problem is so severe that doctors have a name for it: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD (注意力缺陷和多动症). Perhaps as many as one out of every 20 kids under the age of 18 have characteristics of ADHD. Often, these kids have trouble getting through school and facing other difficulties later in life.

Rizzo started developing the Virtual(虚拟的) Classroom in 1999. He wanted to see if he could use it as a tool for testing and treating kids who have attention disorders.

To diagnose (诊断) ADHD, doctors typically test patients by giving them tasks that require attention. As part of one classic test, you watch letters flashing on a computer screen. Every time you see the letter “A” followed by the letter “X”, you have to press the space bar. If you’re paying close attention, you’ll record all of the times when this combination(组合)occurs. If not, you’ll miss some.

The Virtual Classroom makes these tests more efficient, Rizzo says. In one experiment, he gave a group of kids the classic “A-X” test. Instead of looking at a computer screen in a doctor’s office, though, the kids wore headsets that made them feel like they were taking the test in a classroom.

“Basically,” Rizzo says, “we found that the testing usually requires a couple of hours with computer screens in a doctor’s office, but it only takes 20 minutes with virtual reality.”


58. After reading the passage,, we know that in China    

A. many young people are playing online games for fun

B. many young people are getting addicted to online games

C. only those under 25 like to play online games for long periods

D. 80 percent of the Chinese depend on online games to get relaxed


57. In the passage, the writer tells us a fact that   

A. South Korea has a large number of Internet schools

B. More and more young men are stealing money for online games

C. China's online game players are all under the age of 25

D. Online game addiction is a very common problem in South Korea

