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35. -You look upset. Anything wrong?

-I failed in the physics exam again ________ all the efforts I made.

Which of the following answers is NOT true?

A. in spite of      B. despite        C. but for       D. regardless of


34. Being a good listener is a kind quality and that’s ________ it takes to keep friendship.

A. which         B. what         C. how        D. where


33. I’ve got to the position ________ hard work.

A. by this means    B. by all means    C. by no means    D. by means of


32. From Jame’s face, I could see he was terrified of ________ by us.

  A. abandoned                   B. abandon      

C. being abandoned                D. to be abandoned


31. After many years’ hard working, his parents managed to ________ the debts for his education at university.

A. pay for       B. pay back     C. pay off      D. pay out


30. Most students have little difficulty ________ college life.

  A. to adapt           B. adapting      C. adapting to     D. adapted to


29. The man was ________ to six years in prison for treating his wife cruelly.

   A. condemned     B. arrested       C. accused       D. assumed


28. I couldn’t ________ to her. The line was busy.

A. go by           B. go around     C. get in        D. get through


27. It is difficult to ________ one twin from the other. They almost don’t ________ from each other.

A. differ; distinguish              B. Distinguish; different

C. distinguish; differ               D. tell; different

