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9.Have mercy on Antonio .宽恕安东尼奥吧。

   have mercy on/upon sb. 意为 “怜悯,宽恕某人”,类似的词组还有show mercy to sb.例如:

   He begged me to have mercy on him. 他求我宽恕他。

   They have no mercy on their enemies. 他们对敌人毫不留情。

   No mercy was shown to the prisoners. 对囚犯毫不宽恕。


8.She pretended to be a lawyer, and her maid, Nerissa, dressed herself as a lawyer’s clerk .


   pretend v.装扮,假装(make oneself appear to be sth. , to be doing sth.)后面可以接不定式,也可以接that引导的从句。例如:

   The children pretended to be doctors and nurses. 孩子们装扮成医生和护士。

   They pretended to be working very hard.  他们假装在努力工作。


7.Then she thought of a clever plan to save Antonio.


  think of 在这里的意思是 “想出” (have the idea of )。例如:

  Can you think of a good place for a weekend holiday? 你能想出一个周末度假的好去处


   Who first thought of that idea? 谁先想到那个主意?


6.…saying that all his ships had been lost at sea and that he would have to give Shylock a pound of flesh .


   ①在saying 后接了两个宾语从句,两个从句都由that引导 ,并用and 连接起来.在一个复合句中,如果有两个或两个以上平行的宾语从句,通常在每个宾语从句前面用一个that , 并在最后一个前面加上and (或but)。(在口语和非正式文体中,that常可省略.)

   ②lost adj. 毁灭,遭难的(destroyed , ruined , killed , etc.)

   例如:The boat and all its men were lost in the storm.



5.In the agreement Antonio made a promise to allow Shylock to take a pound of his flesh from whatever part of his body if he did not pay the money back at the end of three months.


   ①make a promise 允许,作出承诺,其中的promise是名词,与promise搭配的词组还有keep one’s promise (遵守诺言),carry out one’s promise (履行诺言) ,break one’s promise (食言)。

   例如:Father made a promise that he would buy me a new recorder.


   He’s always making promises and then breaking them .他总是许下诺言后又食言.



  He is losing (gaining) flesh. 他瘦(胖)了。

  Have you ever tasted the flesh of the snake? 你曾吃过蛇肉吗?

   meat 指供食物用的动物的肉(animal flesh as food), 通常不包括鱼和家禽的肉.鱼和家禽的肉称fish , chicken , duck 等. 在用餐时,讲到动物的肉时,应用beef (牛肉), pork (猪肉), mutton (羊肉),不用meat。应该说:Will you have another piece of beef? 不该说Will you have another piece of meat ?


4.However, Shylock agreed to lend Antonio the money on one condition.


   on one condition 作 “规定一个条件”解.这个条件就是下文的带有if从句的复合句所表达的意思––––如果三个月不还钱就割安东尼奥身上的肉。

   on condition (按……条件,在条件……下),后跟that-clause , 这是一个条件状语从句。例如:

   You can have the book for a few days on condition that you return it next week.


   I will do it on condition that I am paid well. 如报酬好,我愿意干。


3.The reason for this was that Antonio had many times scolded Shylock publicly for being greedy and cruel.  因为安东尼奥曾多次当众斥骂夏洛克的贪婪和残忍。

   ①scold 在这里是及物动词,作 “申斥,怒骂” (blame with angry words )

   例如:He was scolded for telling a lie. 他因说谎而受到责备。

The teacher scolded John for cheating at the examination.


Dad scolded me for coming home late. 父亲责备我回家晚了。

   ②介词短语for being greedy and cruel 作原因状语修饰动词scold , for作 “因为、由于”解时,它可跟名词、动词 ing 形式及从句作其宾语.例如:

They all jumped for joy at the news. 听到这消息,他们都高兴地跳起来。

Excuse me for being late. 请原谅我来晚了。

I’m sorry for what has happened. 发生这件事我很抱歉。


2.Bassanio, Autonio’s best friend, was in love with Portia, ……

be in love with意为“与……恋爱,爱上”

He has never been in love with anybody before.

fall in love with……也是“爱上”的意思。

We fell in love with the garden as soon as we saw it.



The text is taken from the play “The Merchant of Venice” written by Wiiliam Shakespeare (1564-1616). He was born in Stratford on Aron, England. He spent his early youth in  a rather  wealthy family. He went to the grammar school at Stratford and there he learned Latin and a little Greek but he could not finish his schooling because his father soon got into difficulties in trade. In 1585 or 1586 he left Stratford for London, where he got a job in a play-house, taking care of gentlemen’s horses, or doing some other simple work.. Then he became a actor and later started to  write plays. In 1592 he first came to notice as a play writer in London .In 1599 he became a part owner of the Gold Theatre in London, and finally retired to his birthplace, Stratford on Aron in 1613.He continued to be an actor and to write plays for more than twenty years. Many of his plays were published during his lifetime. As a play writer he wrote tragedies(悲剧)、 comedies(喜剧)and historical plays(历史剧),and as a poet he wrote narrative poems(长诗)and sonnets( 十四行诗)、His famous plays include Hamlet(哈姆雷特)、 Twelfth Night(十二夜), King Lear( 李尔王),Henry Ⅷ (亨利八世)、Romeo and Juliet (罗米欧和朱丽叶)。


1. He had many merchant ships, which traded with other countries.


   trade v.经商,做买卖 (engage in the business of buying or selling goods );对换 (exchange)


  China has traded in industrial and agricultural products with many countries.


  The firm trades(vi) largely in silk with America . 这个公司和美国作大宗的丝绸贸易。

  He is in the furniture trade. (n.)他从事家具业。

  The boy traded his knife for a ball. 这孩子用他的刀换了一个球。

  trade 还可用作名词.例如:

  foreign trade   对外贸易             domestic trade        国内贸易

  free trade         自由贸易            the balance of trade     贸易平衡


   [重点词语] agreement, bitter, weakness, judgement, desire, greet, (greeting)

        punishment,  comfort,  poem,  make a promise, take one’s seat,

        be seated, use one’s head,  take…in one’s arms, according to ,

        take pride in , play the role of , on condition that ,

   [重点句型] I never know so young a lady with so wise a head.

   [语法焦点] 复习动词不定式

   [口语交际] 进餐用语

