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11. -I would like everyone to hand in their homework tomorrow.

  -Are you going to _________ it or is this just for practice?

A. level    B. grade    C. judge    D. divide


10. The car’s gone ________ the road. It hit a post at the side ________ the road.

A. off ; of    B. off; on    C. out of ; of    D. out of ;on


9. Those boys were caught _______ flowers in the garden again.

A. to steal    B. stealing    C. having stolen    D. to have stolen


8. In some countries, _________ are called “public schools” are not owned by the state.

A. that   B. which   C. as    D. what


7. They decided to drive the cattle away ________ they did more damage.

A. until    B. unless    C. before    D. although


6. -Are you going to watch TV now?


A. I would if I had the time     B. I’m sorry. There is no answer

C. All right. Thank you      D. Yes. I agree with you


5. -What is that building?

  -_______ the students have their dance classes.

A. The building that       B. There are

C. That’s the building which    D. That’s where


4. Don’t talk with your mouth full! Where are your _________?

A. politeness    B. manners   C. foods    D. dishes


3. Get the car thoroughly checked; I want to be _______ worry on the trip.

A. clear of    B. free of   C. clear from   D. free from


2. -I’m trying to use this machine, but it won’t start.

  -Let me show you how to start it. See, all you have to do is _______ this button.

A. to press   B. press   C. to turn    D. turn

