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31.When you are reading fast,your eyes will be one or two word groups ahead.Of__________ your mind is taking in.

   A. one     B.the other      C. the one      D.It


30.According to the regulations of the company,you mustn’t ask for leave______you have a doctor’s diagnosed note.

   A.unless               B.now that

   C. even though             D.on condition that


29.Her name was on the_______of my tongue,but I couldn’t tell it.

   A. point     B.edge        C.side       D.tip


28.-Jerry said something strange at the meeting.

   -His_______left me___________about his real purpose.

   A. marks;wondering           B.marks;to wonder

   C.remarks;wonder          D.remarks;wondering


27.As is known to us,theory is based on practice and______serves practice.

   A. by chance    B.in turn      C.in return     D.in reply


26.-Did you visit the memorial?

-No.We____it,but we spent too much time shopping.

   A. could have visited           B.can’t have visited

   C.needn’t have visited         D.must have visited


25.During the urgent period,Minister of Foreign Affairs_______ brief news every day.

   A.gave off    B.gave out      C.gave away    D.gave in to


24.-What do you think of the play?

-Terrible!I’ve never seen________one.

   A. a bad      B.a better       C.a worse      D.the worst


23. -Oxford University has admitted that it will need efficient measures to keep itself among the international universities.

   -      .Do you think it will come true?

   A. For what?    B.So what?      C.How come?    D.What if?


22.The driver was at_________loss when______word came that he was forbidden to drive for speeding.

   A. a; the       B.不填;不填     C. the; the     D. a;不填

