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7. Can it be in the church theatre _________ you saw the musicals with your host family yesterday evening _________ you left behind your digital camera?

   A. that; where    B. where; that C. that; that    D. where; where


6. I have been keeping the portrait _________ I can see it every day _________ it always reminds me of my childhood in the mountain village.

   A. since; because    B. where; as      C. there; since   D. if; as


5. ---Are you returning to your hometown this weekend?

  ---Yes. By the way, do you have anything _________ to your family?

   A. taken     B. to take     C. to be taken    D. taking


4. I advise you leave the company as soon as possible __________ you get yourself into trouble.

   A. before    B. until     C. as soon as    D. in that case


3. Helen is now working harder to __________ for the time she lost when she visited the US in October.

   A. keep up    B. catch up   C. make up    D. take up


2. ---Look! Everything here is under construction.

  ---What’s the pretty small house that ___________ for?

   A. is being built     B. has been built    C. is built     D. is building




1.The argument remains after the heated discussion __________ it is worthwhile for China to send rescue workers to help Japan when an earthquake shakes again.

   A. that   B. which     C. if      D. whether

