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32. The animals, such as dogs and snakes, _________we were in danger long before we did.

A. sensed      B. regarded     C. thought     D. considered


31. Chinese women really __________ half the sky. But at present women and men are still not

 treated equally in many respects.

A. rise up      B. hold up      C. keep up    D. turn up


30. What was ________he had at school ______made him a great success?

A. that; that     B. it; that     C. that; which    D. this; which


29.-Peter, you ________the window quickly.

 -OK! Oh! The window ________ broken.

A. will shut; has been      B. shut; is

C. are shutting; is        D. have shut; has been


27.-You’ve agreed to go, so why aren’t you getting ready?

 -But I __________that you __________me to set off at once.

A. didn’t realize; wanted     B. don’t realize; want   

C. don’t realize; wanted      D. haven’t realized; want

a has made a _________ to do all it can to help the tsunami-hit regions of Asia.

   A. devotion     B. commitment     C. allowance    D. combination


26. ___________on both sides of the street ___________excited people who wanted to see the

 bride of their prince.

A. Standing; was         B. Seated; was

C. Waiting; were         D. Coming; were


25. I cannot help ________ myself on passing the examination.

  A. greeting     B. congratulating   C. pleasing       D. celebrating   


24. His little daughter ________for more than two days, Martin reported it to the police that

 started a general search for the girl at once.

A. having missed         B. having been missing

C. has been missed         D. had been missing


23.Mary will _________ on the kids when mom is away this afternoon.

   A. stick with    B. keep in mind    C. take into account    D. keep an eye


22. __________ for my illness, I would have lent him a helping hand.

A. Not being    B. Without being    C. Not having been   D. Had it not been

