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35.Australia is not at all      a traveler who has never seen a farm can expect.

    A.which         B.what          C.where         D.that


34.-Will 200      the cost of the demage?

   -I’m afraid not.I need at least 100 more.

    A.do            B.include         C.cover          D.afford


33.-Shall I get you a book?

  -I have no      for reading at the moment.

    A.hope          B.plan           C.appretite        D.demand


32.-Would you like me to introduce about the dance “Thousand-handed Bodhisattva”?

   -     I hear it’s the best performance at the 200 Spring Festival Celebration Party.

    A. With pleasure     B.Good idea      C.That’s all right   D.It’s a pleasure


31.-We are leaving on June 15.

  -So why not come to spend     days with us?I’m serious.

    A.all these last few                  B.these all last few  

    C.these last all few                  D.all last these few


30.The foreign friends you referred to      looking forward to     around our university

    A.are;being shown    B.being;being shown                    C.being;shown   D.are;be shown


29.Apples,oranges and pears are famous,but which do you think tastes     ?

    A.most          B.first           C.best           D.nicer

