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35. The new comer is a nice girl from the west area of Human ______ all the assignment every day by our teachers.

A. accustomed to do        B. accustomed to doing

C. to get accustomed to do      D. to get accustomed to doing


34. My father is a laid-off worker with a total income of around 300 yuan per month, which _______ only the most basic needs of our family.

A. offers     B. supports    C. presents     D. covers


33. Oh, no! That’s ________ risk I’m not prepared to ______________.

A. a; take    B. the; take     C. a; do     D. the; do


32. When questioned, she had to ________ hard on her step-daughter.

A. admit on having been     B. admit to be

C. admit on being        D. admit to being

