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59. B主旨大意题。根据there has been confusion over possible links to the country of the same name, but Sudan officials say there is no connection whatever. 可知本文主要讲"苏丹红"与苏丹这个国家是否有联系的问题,故B最佳。


58. B推断题。根据EU officials have been striving to remove some food products from the shelves. So far 580 products have been recalled.可知某些食品因含有"苏丹红"而被召回。故可推断"苏丹红"经常用作食品添加剂。


57. C细节题。根据People found the dye in 1883 and gave it the name. Nobody knows the reason, and we cannot give any explanation before we find out.可知还没有人知道"苏丹红"名称的由来。


56. A词义猜测题。根据They are classified as carcinogens by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. 可知这个词与癌症有关,故可推出carcinogenic意为"致癌的"。


74. Which of the following is intended for the Chinese learners?

A. Marco V.      B. La Nuit Francaise.

    C. Language in use.   D. The "worst" party.


73. Which of the following is NOT true of Ad. 1 and Ad. 3?

A. The two parties will be held on the same day.

B. The two parties will be held at the same time.

C. The entrance fees of the two parties will not be charged.

D. Some old music will be played at the parties.


72. We can infer from the passage that ______.

A. There are more billionaires in London than in Moscow.

B. Ukraine is a very rich country in the world.

C. JK Rowling’s novels have sold very well.

D. The IT industry is a profit?making industry.


Ad. 1

April fool’s party

On Friday, April 1, Inner Affair goes back to the days of funk! Classic Tunes from the 70’s and 80’s by DJs Den & Sion. 9pm till late.

Tickets: Free entrance for those in costume, otherwise 50 yuan (US$6)

Time/date: 9 pm, April 1

Place: Inner Affair, 1/F Qiankun Dasha, 6 Sanlitun Xiliujie, Chaoyang District

Tel: 8454? 0321

Ad. 2

Language in use

Enjoy free in?house coffee, tea and beer as well as music and dancing. Practice your Chinese, make friends and have fun.

Time/date: 7 to 9 pm, March 25

Place: Language In Use Club, 2/F, Science Fortune Center, 8 Xueqing Lu, north of Xueyuan Lu, Haidian District

Ad. 3

The "worst" party

Organized by o?zone productions, the party is set to be "the worst ever", with the lamest music from the 60s, 70s and 80s. Special prizes will be awarded to the worst dressed or for bad fashion sense.

Tickets: Free entrance

Time/date: 9 pm, April 1

Place: Pula Pula, Tianze Lu, Oriental Seven Colours Plaza, Chaoyang District

Tel: 6466?8575

Ad. 4

La Nuit Francaise

Again on the 2nd Thursday of the month La Nuit Francaise will be held at Le Rendez?vous. The monthly event is an opportunity for all French people and everyone interested in France or speaking French to gather together.

The evening features three glasses of wine and canapes for participants and a special exhibition.

Time/date: 7 to 10 pm, April 14

Place: Le Rendez?vous, 3 Gongti Beilu, accross from the Pacific Century Plaza, Chaoyang District Tel: 6462?9110

Ad. 5

Marco V

Dutch DJ Marco V drops by Banana for a gig which is supported by Hong Kong’s DJ Spark.

Marco V has been around for many years, as an inventive, style?blending deejay and a successful and devoted producer. His spinning is energetic, crowd?pleasing and never sees an empty dance floor. He was ranked No. 15 in this year’s international DJ MAG DJ Top100.

Tickets: 40 yuan (US$4.80) in advance, 50 yuan (US$6) at the door, both include a free drink

Time/date: 10 pm to 4 am, March 31, April 1

Place: Banana, in the lobby of the Scitech Hotel, 22 Jianwai Dajie, Chaoyang District

Tel: 6528?3636


71. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. No Chinese has entered the top sixty richest people in the world.

B. Russia is a developing country.

C. This is the first time that Sergie Brin and Larry Page has been included in the list.

D. There are more billionaires(亿万富翁) in New York than any other city in the world.

