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61.According to passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

    A.As there exist weak points in different departments of a firm, the training of its staff is

highly necessary.

    B.A training specification is based on the information collected from a job description and a job specification.

    C.Training in using skills and learning about skills usually do not happen at the same time.

    D.It’s easier to evaluate management training than to evaluate the training of workers and technicians.


60.To be successful in our training programme, we must understand the difference between  


A.a job description and a job specification   B.what is taught, and how it is taught

C.the costs and the quality of the programme  D.the training contents and training in using


59.What is the source of the suggestions for fighting shyness?

    A.The author of the article.      B.Shy men and women.

    C.doctors and psychologists      D.Popular entertainers.


As we know, it is very important that a firm should pay attention to the training of its staff as there exist many weak points in its various departments. Staff training must have a purpose, which I defined(解释) when a firm considers its training needs, which are in turn based on job descriptions and job specifications.

A job description should give details of the performance that is required for a particular job, and a job specification should give information about the behaviour, knowledge and skills that are expected of an employee who works in it. When all of this has been collected, it is possible to make a training specification. This specifies that the training department must teach for the successful performance of the job, and also the best methods to use in the training period.

There are many different training methods, and there are advantages and disadvantages of all of them. Successful training performances depend on an understanding of the difference between learning about skills and training in using them. It is frequently said that  learning about skills takes place “off the job” in classroom, but training in using these skills takes place “on the job,” by means of such activities as practice in the workshop.

It’s always difficult to evaluate the costs of a training programme. The success of such a programme depends not only on the methods used but also on the quality of the staff who do the training. The evaluation of management training is much more complex than that.


58.Which of these can you conclude from reading the article?

    A.Shy people never have any fun.    B.Entertainers choose their work to fight shyness.

    C.The attempt to overcome shyness is always successful.

    D.The attempt to overcome shyness is always worthwhile.


57.The main purpose of the article is to           .

    A.explain how shyness developed       B.recommend ways of dealing with shyness

    C.persuade readers that shyness is natural  D.prove that shyness can overcome


56.Where would this article probably appear?

    A.In a popular magazine.    B.On the front page of a newspaper.

    C.In a science textbook.     D.In an encyclopedia.(百科全书)


54.In the author’s opinion ,the value of a person’s life is        .

    A.to leave behind a precious memory to the people related .

    B.to have a high sense of duty to the whole society

    C.to care what others will remember and treasure

    D.to share happiness and sadness with his family


53.What feeling did the author’s mother express in her reply ?

    A.Proud         B.Happy         C.Disappointed     D.Worried


52.In the second paragraph the author mainly wants to explain to us        .

   A.how much he misses his parents now   B.why his parents often appear in his dream

   C.when Lucien will get over all his sadness  D.how proud he was when he succeeded in life

