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6.How long did Mary have to stay in bed?

 A.One day.   B.Two days.   C.Three days.

7.How's Mary's friend Ann?

 A.She is having a bad cold.

 B.She has had a bad cold since last week.

 C.She had a bad cold last week, but now she is all right.

8.Why does everbody seem to have a cold?

 A.Because one day is hot.

 B.Because everybody doesn't wear his thick coat.

 C.Because the weather changes suddenly.


9.Why was Betty paid much?

 A.Because Mr.Clarke liked her very much.

 B.Because she was kind to everybody.

 C.Because she looked after the old woman well.

10.What did Mr.Clarke go to the police station to do?

 A.To apologize to Betty.

 B.To apologize to the officer.

 C.To tell the afficer what he knew about the necklace.




1.Where are the two speakers now?

 A.In the United States    B.In Canada.

 C.In France

2.What does this talk suggest?

 A.Mary will stay at home this Sunday.

 B.Paul will stay at home this Sunday.

 C.Both Mary and Paul will go to the People's Park this Sunday.

3.Which of the following is true according to this talk?

 A.Fric wants to turn on the radio.

 B.Betty wants to turn down the radio.

 C.Betty agrees with Fric.

4.What does the woman seem to be?

 A.Someone who works at the West Lake.

 B.A visitor to the city.

 C.Someone who likes rainy weather very much.

5.What's the woman doing?

 A.She is making a phone call.

 B.She is out.


he is speaking to Jim.


74.Which of the following was probably the first kind of trees being engineered?

    A. Papaya.          B. Pine.          C. Apple.           D. Poplar.


73.What caused the American scientists to work on special trees?

    A. They think science could give nature a fighting chance against both natural and man-made dangers.

    B. Great numbers of trees have been lost due to attacks by viruses.

    C. Researchers successfully introduced seeds designed to resist the virus.

    D. Tree genomes are mapped out so scientists know how to improve trees.


72.Which kind of tree is not the ones that scientists are planting in the US?

    A. Trees that worms can't hurt.  B. Trees that can protect themselves at a chemical attack.

    C. Trees that can resist wind better.   D. Genetically engineered trees.


71.In the passage, the author thinks _________

A.Chinese should learn everything from Western fast food restaurants.

B.Chinese should say no to Western fast food.

C.Western fast food are good.          D.Chinese food are bad.


Special trees that grow faster, fight pollution, produce better wood, and even sense chemical attacks are being planted by scientists in the US.     When 40 per cent of Hawaii's US$14 million-a-year papaya (木瓜)industry was destroyed by a virus five years ago, work began on creating genetically engineered (转基因的) trees.     Researchers successfully introduced seeds that were designed to resist the virus. Since then, more and more people have been testing genetically engineered trees.    Some researchers put special bacteria into trees to help them grow faster and produce better wood. Others are trying to create trees that can clean polluted soil.    Meanwhile fruit farmers are looking for trees that are strong enough to resist worms, and paper companies want trees that produce more wood and therefore more paper.    The Pentagon (五角大楼,美国国防部所在地) even gave the researchers US$500,000 this year after they developed a pine tree that changes its colours if it senses a chemical attack.    So far, the poplar, eucalyptus (杨树与桉树), apple and coffee trees are among those being engineered. All this is can be done today because we have a better understanding of tree genomes (基因组).    However, some people fear that the genetically engineered trees will cause dangerous results. They are worried that the new trees will breed with natural species and change the balance of the forest environment.

"It could be destructive," said Jim Diamond, an environmentalist. "Trees are what is left of our natural environment and home to many endangered species."    But researchers insist that science could give nature a fighting chance against both natural and man-made dangers.    They hope to answer the critics by stopping the new trees from breeding, so their effect on the environment can be controlled.


70.What will be worth learning from the Western fast food chains? _______

A.The content of the food.           B.The menus.

C.The lessons in management and decoration.   D.Shape or form of the food.


69.The reasons Western fast food restaurants make money are __________.

A.assembly lines that will not attract bugs or spoil easily   B.clean and tastefully decorated

C.good service and an inviting dining atmosphere      D.above of all


68.A diet high in animal foods and refined foods will cause diseases, in particular it damages _________.

A.the heart and brain  B.the walls of arteries  C.all organs  D.the blood

