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20.It   to me that I should pay a visit to my friend, Jane.

 A.was happened   B.appeared   C.was occurred  D.occurred

e and see me whenever    .

 A.you will be convenient    B.it will be convenient to you

 C.you are convenient      D.it is convenient to you


19.We delayed   the goods to the farm because of the bad weather.

 A.to send   B.send    C.sending   D.in sending


18.He was not brave. He   jumped down from a very tall tree.

 A.dare not   B.dared not   C.dares not   D.dare not to


17.    in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the

  United States.

  A.Being founded   B.It was founded  C.Founded  D.Founding


16.I    to bring down the price of the computer, but the salesman

  refused to.

  A.promised   B.managed   C.wanted   D.attempted


15.A lot of tests    on a large number of rats since then.

  A.have been carried out      B.were carried out

  C.have been carried on      D.were carried on


14.When it is clear, I can see    in the sky.

  A.dozen star          B.several dozen stars

  C.dozens stars         D.dozens of star


13.   surprises me most is that she doesn't even know   the

  difference between the two lies.

  A.What; where  B.What; what   C.That; where  D.That; what


12.Those who are not    with the progress they have made will have

  greater success.

  A.proud   B.afraid   C.popular   tent



11. Driving a car is not as difficult as you imagine, if you    the


  A.depend on   B.believe in   C.turn to   D.stick to

