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   The life of Albert Einstein is a model in many ways for both natural and social scientists.

   First 31 all, Einstein always used the scientific ways of  32  truth from facts. He firmly believed, as he said, that "there is  33  we cannot understand about the universe." And  34 hard work he explained many of the  35  and events in nature which were  36  to be "not understandable" in his day. He was also never afraid to  37  mistakes when facts proved  38  theories wrong.

   Secondly, Einstein's  39  showed the great importance of theories to scientific efforts.  40  he himself seldom worked in labs, the ideas he developed  41  to many of the scientific advances which had shaped modern technology.

   Thirdly, Einstein believed that scientists must have morals(道德).    

 42 , he gave a new inspiration to many of scientists who became  43  

in the Communist movement.

   Einstein was often considered  44  many writings as a "genius(天才)", whose theories were  45  difficult that no one but few scientists could understand them. But he himself refused the efforts to put him in a

 46  far above other people. He was famous for his  47 . He often said that his  48  would certainly have been  49  by others if he had  50


31.A.from     B.of     C.at     D.in

32.A.holding    B.testing   C.looking for  D.depending on

33.A.anything    B.nothing   C.not     D.no

34.A.in      B.at     C.before    D.through

35.A.facts     B.scientists  C.ways    D.models

36.A.guessed    B.remembered C.thought   D.imagined

37.A.make     B.repeat    C.keep    D.correct

38.A.their     B.his     C.all     D.one's

39.A.gift      B.plan    C.achievements  D.experiments

40.A.Although   B.Unless   C.Since     D.Therefore

41.A.agreed    B.got     C.led     D.stuck

42.A.By the way  B.In this way  C.In no way  D.In any ways

43.A.skillful    B.eager    C.ready    D.active

44.A.at      B.in     C.on     D.with

45.A.rather     B.very    C.such    D.so

46.A.position    B.situation   C.place   D.spot

47.A.carelessnes   B.cleverness  C.modesty  D.pride

48.A.success    B.failure    C.work   D.theory

49.A.done    pleted  C.achieved  D.offered

50.A.hardly     B.seldom   C.never    D.ever


30.The head engineer apologized for    to attend the meeting.

  A.his not being able      B.his not able

  C.his being not able      D.not his able


29. The policemen entered the building,     .

  A.looked about and hurrying upstairs

  B.looking about and hurrying upstairs

  C.looked around and to hurry upstairs

  D.to look around and hurrying upstairs


28.There   too much work to do tomorrow.

  A.seems not to be       B.seems to be not

  C.don't seem to be       D.isn't seem to be


27.   you practise speaking English all the time, you'll certainly 

  master it very soon.

  A.As long as   B.As far as   C.Only   D.Only when


26.The camera    I took a lot of good photographs is made in China.

  A.which   B.by which   C.whose   D.with which


25.Haven't you heard    black people have been demanding better

  housing and jobs?

  A. of that   B.of that   C.of    D.that


24.--Sorry, sir, your recorder isn't ready yet. It    in the factory.

  --It doesn't matter.

  A.is being repaired       B.is repaired

  C.has been repaired      D.hasn't repaired


23.Beyond   stars, the astronaut saw nothing but   space.

  A.the,  /   B.the, the   C./, the    D./, /


22.Einstein   the rest of his life quietly in the United States and  

  American nationality in 1940.

  A.lived; joined        B.spent; made

  C.lived; took         D.spent; took part in

