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35.Which do you enjoy _______ your weekends,fishing or watching TV?

A.spending      B.to spend     C.being spent     D.spend


34.The Yellow River,_______ to be “the mother river”,runs across China like a huge dragon.

A.saying       B.to say      C.said        D.being said


33.-I am sorry I didn’t do a good job.

-Never mind._______,you have tried your best.

A.Above all     B.In all      C.At all       D.After all


32.It seemed only seconds _______ they came back.

A.when      B.after       C.before      D.till


31.-I’m too busy to go to the cinema with you,John.

-_______ The film is said to be a very good one.

A.That’s all right.           B.I’m so sorry.

C.What a shame!            D.It doesn't matter.


30.You have not yet answered my question _______ I can join in the party tonight.

A.whether     B.if        C.which      D.that


29.-Did you enjoy the book?

-Yes,it was so interesting that I could hardly _______ it.

A.get rid of              B.break away from

C.keep away from           D.tear myself away from


28.This book is said to be a special one,which _______ many events not found in other history books.

A.writes      B.covers      C.prints      D.reads

