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4)地点:图书馆204室。         5)参加对象:电脑爱好者。




    The Student Union

            February 1st


     Once a hungry fox looked the river and saw some nice       76.________

fat fishes. The fox hoped to have one of them for his        77.________

dinner. And they swam about so fast that he could not        78.________

catch some. “Why are you in such a hurry? What are you       79.________

afraid of?” he asked the nearest one fish in a kind voice.     80.________

“I’m afraid of the net of the fisherman,” answered the fish.   81.________

“Then why not to come on land and live in peace           82.________

as I do?” said the fox.

“So you are calling the wisest of all animals!” said the fish.   83.________

“How foolish you are! If I’m not safe in water which I       84.________

have spent all my life, surely I will be less safely on land, of   85.________

which I know nothing.”



 Large modern cities are too big to control. They impose their own living conditions on the people who inhabit them. City-dwellers are obliged by their environment to adopt a wholly unnatural way of life. They lose touch with the land and rhythm of nature. It is possible to live such an air-conditioned existence in a large city that you are barely conscious of the seasons. A few flowers in a public park (if you have the time to visit it) may remind you that it is spring or summer. A few leaves clinging to the pavement may remind you that it is autumn. Beyond that, what is going on in nature seems totally irrelevant. All the simple, good things of life like sunshine and fresh air are at a premium. Tall buildings blot out the sun. Traffic fumes pollute the atmosphere.

Even the distinction between day and night is lost. The flow of traffic goes on unceasingly and the noise never stops.

72. Which is NOT one of the reasons why city life is not preferable?

   A The people are not in regular communication with the rhythm of nature.

   B The people can’t enjoy sunshine and fresh air.

   C Modern cities offer better schools, more chances of employment.

   D Traffic fumes pollute the air.

73. What are highly esteemed (have a high opinion of) in big cities?

   A Living conditions.               B Sunshine and fresh air.

   C Air-conditioned house.           D A few flowers and a few leaves.

74. It’s not easy to see such difference between day and night because _____.

   A city-dwellers are obliged to adopt a wholly unnatural way of life

   B the sun was hidden from view by tall buildings

   C the noise made by traffic never stops

   D large modern cities are too big to control

75. If you want to know what season it is, ______.

   A it is advisable for you to cling to the pavement

   B you’d better visit a public park

   C you can remind yourself that it is spring or summer

   D you should be barely conscious of the seasons



New York: Since the first case of anthrax (炭疽病) was found in US, in the past month it has left four dead and infected more than a dozen others in US. Meanwhile, the anthrax outbreak continued to spread, it’s reported to be found in Pakistan and Germany.

Beijing: Shi Guangsheng, Chinese Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, signed the agreement on China’s entry to the WTO on early morning of Nov. 12, Beijing Time. The agreement makes clear the rights and duties of China’s WTO membership. Under WTO rules, China will formally become a WTO member on December 11 this year.

Washington: Disaster relief agencies said on Tuesday they were rushing blood supplies to New York City and Washington as Americans crowded donation (捐献) centers to help and untold number of victims of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The American Red Cross, which collects about half of the country’s blood supply, said it has 60,000 units at collection centers in various East Coast cities ready to ship to hospitals in New York and the Washington area.

Kabul: On Dec. 9, Taliban forces handed over Kabul, bringing their hardline (强硬的) rule of the country to an end. Afghanistan’s temporary (临时的) leader Hamid Karzai called on fellow Afghans to capture terrorism suspect (恐怖分子疑犯) Osama bin Laden and Taliban leader Mohammed Omar.

69. China will probably celebrate its first anniversary (周年) of its formal entry to WTO on ____.

A Nov. 12, 2001       B Dec. 11, 2001   C Nov. 12, 2002  D Dec. 11, 2002

70. According to the report, Afghans are most likely to accept _____.

A Taliban government               B temporary government

C the hardline rule                D Osama bin Laden

71. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

   A Many blood collection centers in US will soon get their blood supplies sent to New York and Washington after the ATTACKS.

   B Because of the outbreak of anthrax, the American Red Cross collects as much blood as possible in Pakistan and Germany.

   C Once anthrax is found in an area, it is likely to bring death and serious infection to the people there.

   D After the ATTACKS, Americans were quite willing to offer their help to the victims.



It was a beautiful day at the beach-blue sky, gentle wind, calm sea. I knew these things because a man sitting five feet from me was shouting them into his mobile phone, like a play-by –play announcer (实况解说员).


Behind me, a woman, her mobile phone pressed to her ear was walking back and forth.

“She DIDN’T,” she was saying. “No. She DIDN’T. She DID? Really? Are you SERIOUS? She did NOT. She DID? No she…”

And so on. This woman had two children, who were playing in the sea. I found myself watching them, because the woman surely was not. A huge squid could have caught and snatched the children, and this woman would not have noticed. Or, if she had noticed, she’d have said, “Listen. I have to go, because a huge squid just……No! She didn’t ! She DID? No! She……”

And next to me, the play-by-play man would have said: “…AND A HUGE SQUID JUST ATE TWO CHILDREN, AND I’M GETTING A LITTLE SUNBURNED, AND …”

It used to be that the major trouble at the beach was the fellow who brought a boom box (便携式录音机) and turned it up so loud that the bass notes caused seagulls to explode. But at least you knew where these fellows were; you never know which beachgoers have mobile phones. You’ll settle next to what appears to be a sleeping sunbather, or even (you hope) a corpse , and you’ll lie happily on your towel, and you’ll get all the way to the second sentence of your 467-page book before you fall asleep to the hypnotic surge of the surf (催人入梦的潮声), and …

BREEP! BREEP! The corpse sits up, feels urgently for its mobile phone, and shouts “Hello! I’m at the beach! Yes! It’s nice! Very peaceful! What? She did? No, she didn’t! She DID? No, she…”

Loud mobile-phoners never seem to get urgent calls. Just once, I’d like to hear one of them say, “Hello? Yes, this is Dr. Johnson. Oh, Dr. Smith. You’ve opened the abdominal cavity (腹腔)? Good! Now the appendix should be right under the … What? No, that’s the liver. Don’t take THAT out, ha ha! Oh, you did? My God! OK, now listen carefully…”

65.  From the passage we can know that the writer of the passage _____.

A had a wonderful holiday at the beach

B must have suffered a lot because of the terrible weather

C is only interested in talks by doctors about operation

D experienced an unhappy holiday at the beach

66.  According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A The writer often spends his holidays at the beach.

B A huge squid ate two children while their mother was not watching

C Some people used to play boom box while spending their holidays at the beach.

D Some people often make loud mobile phone calls without caring for others.

67. The underlined word “ corpse”  in this passage  has the closest meaning to ____.

A a dead body   B a loud mobile phoner   C a sound sleeper  D a sleep lover

68. We can infer from the passage that _____.

  A the writer is interested in mobile phone.

  B the writer hates people using mobile phone

  C the writer hates to be disturbed while enjoying holidays on the beach.

  D the writer seldom finishes reading a book before going to sleep.



In some magazines, tables of contents list articles in numerical order. The football article begins on page 5; the baseball article begins on page 7; the football story begins on page 13; and so on.

Other magazine table of contents are organized by subjects, by columns and by features(特写). Subjects are the topics covered in the articles. A feature is a specific kind of article, such as an article about sports or about cooking. “Feature” also has another meaning. A “regular feature” is something that appears in every issue, such as letters to the editor, movie reviews, sports statistics and other things. Some magazines also call regular features “departments”.

Columns are another kind of “regular feature” published in every issue. Columns are often written by the same person each time. A person who writes columns is called a columnist!

Most magazine tables of contents will also give you an idea of what a story is about. Look at the sample below.

             Kids’ Life

    Articles                   Comics

8 Skateboarding in the U. S. A.            6 Little People

 Read about kids from across the country         14 Skatin’ Sam

 And how they make the best of their boards!       30 Double Trouble

12 Summer Camp

   Believe it or not, camp is fun!           Columns

20 Battle of Gettyburg                7 Videos

It was a decisive one in the American Civil War.   32 The Great Outdoors

25 Snacks in a Flash             39 The Fun and Famous

  Look at these treats you can make yourself!

29 Martin Luther King               Departments

  The man who made people think twice      34 Your Health

                      36 Sports

                                      38 Letters to the Editor

61. What page does the sports section begin on?

A. 7     B. 13    C. 36    D. 38

62.  List the title of the regular feature in this magazine:___________.

A Your Health, Sports, Letters to the Editor

B Summer Camp, Little people, Skatin’ Sam

C Your Health, Sports, Double Trouble

D Sports, Letters to the Editor, Summer Camp

63.  What was the Battle of Gettysburg according to the table of contents?

A The name of an American.

B The name of an American city

C A battle of World War II

D A battle in the American Civil War

64.  Is there any information in this magazine about roller skating?

A There is a lot of information.

B It’s under the health heading.

C Not unless it’s under the sports heading.

D Yes, there’s no information about it.



One day when a Chinese language lesson was going on in a second grade class, a foreign educational delegation came into visit. A woman member asked the teacher whether she could play games with the children in class. Of course the teacher said “Yes”.

The guest produced a narrow-necked bottle with a hole on the side connected with plastic tube. Three small lead weights, each tied a piece of string, were lowered into the bottle to miners down in the pit.

When asked who would like to play the game, the children all raised their hands.

The visitor picked three girls from among them and told them. “Now I’ll begin to fill the water through the tube. You are required to pull your lead weights out of the bottle as quickly as possible so that it won’t get wet, otherwise it means that the miner gets drowned.”

The three children looked at each other, smiling, and the one named Li Xiaomei said to the other two, “You’ll be the first to get out, then you, and I’ll be the last.” When water began to flow quickly into the bottle, the three girls calmly pulled the lead weights out of the bottle one after another.

‘Wonderful! You’ve made it!” the visitors exclaimed.

56.  The woman asked to play games with the children because______.

A.    game are very useful for character-training

B.    she wanted to know something about the moral character of the Chinese children

C.    she was to write an article about the morals of China

D.   she wanted to prove that character building is the important aim of education

57.  Which of the following words can be best used to describe the children in class?

A. Brave     B. Friendly    C. Calm    D. Active

58.  Why did the children look at each other after the woman explained the game?

A They did not know what to do.

B They did not quite understand the woman’s explanation.

C They wanted to decide who would be the first to get out and the second, the last.

D None of them would be the first to get out.

59.  The three “miners” were saved because________.

A three children showed perfect discipline and kept in mind first the safety of others in the face of danger

B Li Xiaomei was quick at making a wise decision

C The other two children did as Xiaomei told them

D They had enough time to pull the lead weights out one after another

60.  Why did Li Xiaomei hit on the idea? Because_______.

A  she was a clever girl and was always full of brilliant ideas

B  their teacher had once played such a game with the pupils in class

C  she had seen such a funny-looking bottle at the lab

D  in giving lessons, the teacher has always taught them to think of others before they think of themselves, especially in time of danger.


     The sun was shining when I got on No. 151 bus. We passengers sat jammed together in heavy clothes. No one spoke. That’s one of the 36 rules. 37 we see the same faces every day, we prefer to 38 behind our newspapers. People who sit so close together are using those thin 39of newsprint to keep their distance.

     As the bus came near the Mile, a 40 suddenly rang out: “41 ! This is your driver speaking.” 42 . We looked at the back of the driver’s head. “Put your papers down. All of you.” The papers came down. “Now, turn and face the person next to you. Go 43 .

     Surprisingly we all did it. Still no one smiled. I faced an older woman, her head wrapped 44 a red scarf. I saw her nearly every day. Our eyes met. We waited for the next 45 from the driver. “Now repeat after me. Good morning, neighbor!”

     Our voices were 46 . For many of us, these were the 47 words we had spoken that day. But we said them together, like 48 , to the strangers beside us. We couldn’t help smiling . There was the feeling of relief, that we were not being 49 . But more, there was the sense of ice being 50 . “Good morning, neighbor.” It was not so 51 after all. Some of us repeated it, others shook hands, many laughed.

     The bus driver said nothing more. He didn’t 52 to. Not a single newspaper went 53 . I heard laughter, a warm sound I had never heard before in 54 .

     When I reached my stop, I said goodbye to my seatmate, and then jumped off the bus. That day was 55 off better than most.

36. A unwritten           B strict          C bus           D city

37. A As             B Because        C When         D Although

38. A read               B sit            C talk           D hide

39. A piece               B sheets         C maps         D things

40. A message            B warning        C suggestion      D voice

41. A Attention           B Minding        C Help          D Listen

42. A Freezing            B Stillness        C Satisfaction     D Warmness

43. A on                B round         C ahead         D down

44. A in                B on            C off           D with

45. A turn               B talk           C order         D remark

46. A loud               B neat          C slow          D weak

47. A first               B last           C best          D only

48. A passengers          B citizens        C patients        D schoolchildren

49. A stolen              B robbed        C fought         D commanded

50. A formed             B heated         C broken        D frozen

51. A sad               B hard          C ordinary       D shy

52. A need              B want          C like           D begin

53. A wrong             B out           C back up        D along with

54. A my life             B bus NO.151     C public         D other words

55. A starting            B seeing         C taking         D turning


35. ---You can’t drink any more. It will damage your health.

   ---I ___ stop drinking. Believe me!

  A. ought to     B. should      C. must       D. will 


34. Bill Bank stayed in Pyramid Hotel ___ he was in Cairo.

  A. last time     B. the last time     C. a last time    D. for the last time

