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28.--How are you managing to do your work without an assistant?--Well,I somehow.

e on

C.watch out D.set off


27. and I’ll get the work finished.

 A.Have one more hour B.One more hour C.Given one more hour D.If I have one more hour


26.Isn't it time you got down to the papers?

 A.mark B.be marked C.being marked D.marking


25.Everywhere man has cut down forests in order to grow crops,or to use wood as fuel or as building material.

A.the;the B.the;/ C./;the D./;/


24.I’ve tried very hard to improve my English. But by no means with my progress.

 A.the teacher is not satisfied B.is the teacher not satisfied C.the teacher is satisfied D.is the teacher satisfied


23.In time of serious accidents, we know some basic things about first aid,we can save lives.

 A.whether B.until C.if D.unless


22.-Would you like some more soup?

 - .It is delicious,but I’ve had enough.

A.Yes,please B.No,thank you. C.Nothing more D. I'd like some




例:A computer can only do you have instructed it to do.

A.how B.after C.what D.when


21.I have to go to work by taxi because my car at the garage.

 A.will be repaired B.is repaired C.is being repaired D.has been repaired

