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28.-John , may I ask you a favor ?

   -      .

    A.I’m sorry , but why ?              B.Yes , you could .

    C.Sure , what is it ?                 D.I’d love to , and I’m busy


27.-I hope you enjoyed the film last night .

   -How on earth do you know I went to a film ? I      you .

    A.won’t tell       B.didn’t tell       C.haven’t told     D.hadn’t told


26.-The radio isn’t wrong . I wonder what’s wrong with it .

   -      the batteries (电池)?

    A.Will you try to change              B.Have you tried to change

    C.Would you try to change            D.Have you tried changing


25.The mother felt very weak ,     she carried the baby in her arms all the way to the hospital .

    A.however        B.still            C.so            D.yet


24.      outside in the street , the man was sent to hospital at once .

    A.Found lying and dying fast           B.Found lying and almost died

    C.To be found dying                 D.Finding dead


23.-Jim , did you have a good time at the party ?

   -Yes , but I really      have because I had a lot of work to do .

    A.shouldn’t       B.mustn’t        C.needn’t         D.couldn’t


22.-Do you enjoy listening to records ?

   -I think records are often      actual performance .

    A.as good as any other               B.as good or better than

    C.as good as or better than an          D.good and better than an



21.Besides the others , there was still      third one who said he was      second to reach the end .

    A.a; a           B.a; the          C.the; the         D.the; a

