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35.Which do you enjoy      your weekends , fishing or watching TV?

    A.spending        B.to spend        C.being spent      D.spend


34.The Yellow River ,      to be “the mother river” , runs across China like a huge dragon .

    A.saying         B.to say          C.said           D.being said


33.-Did you enjoy the book ?

   -Yes , it was so interesting that I could hardly      it.

    A.get rid of       B.break away from                  C.keep away from D.tear myself away from


32.-Can you give me the right answer ?

   -Sorry , I      . Would you repeat that question ?

    A.hadn’t listened    B.haven’t listened   C.don’t listen      D.wasn’t listening


31.The purpose of their explorations is as important to them as      to us .

    A.they are        B.they have       C.it is           D.it has


30.We’ll have to finish the job      .

    A.however long it takes              B.however it takes long

    C.how long it takes                 D.it takes however long


29.-Don’t you want      ?

   -Please show me      .

    A.it , the other     B.one , the other    C.it , another      D.one , another

