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33.-Leaving soon?


    A.Enough soon    B.Sooner         C.No sooner      D.Soon enough


32.The meeting was put off,      was exactly      we wanted.

    A.it, that         B.which, what     C.it, what        D.as,/


31.We’ll have to finish the job     .

    A.however long it takes              B.however it takes long

    C.how long it takes                 D.it takes however long


30.The telephone     four times in the last hour, and each time it     for my classmate.

    A.has been ringing, is                B.had rung, was

    C.has rung, was                   D.rang, is


29.-Don’t you want     ?

-Please show me     .

    A.it, the other      B.one, the other    C.it, another       D.one, another


28.-John, may I ask you a favor?


    A.I’m sorry, but why?               B.Yes, you could.

    C.Sure, what is it?                  D.I’d love to, and I’m busy.


27.With the door     on, the thief’s heart     faster. He      the window open and

jumped out of it in a hurry.

    A.being knocked, hit, beat             B.being knocked, beat, hit

    C.knocked, beat, struck              D.beat, hit, struck


26.It     that he could     his illness.

    A.looked, pull on                   B.so happened, pull away

    C.seemed, pull over                 D.appeared, pull through


25.The mother felt very weak,     she carried the baby in her arms all the way to the hospital.

    A.however        B.still           C.so            D.yet


24.     outside in the street, the man was sent to hospital at once.

    A.Found lying and dying fast           B.Found lying and almost died

    C.To be found dying                D.Finding dead

