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   第二节  完形填空(共20小题,满分30分)

I met him first on a summer morning in 1936. I had rushed into his ugly little shop  36   the heels(后跟)of my shoes repaired. It wasn’t much of a  37   , so I waited while he did it. He greeted(打招呼)me  38   a cheerful smile. “You’re new in this neighborhood, aren’t you?”

I said I was. I had  39   into a house at the end of the street only a week before.

“This is a fine  40  ,”he said. “You’ll be happy here.”

I sat there with my shoes  41   watching as he  42   ready to do the repairs.  43   he looked at the leather(皮革)covering on the  44  . It was worn through. I grew impatient  45  I was rushing to meet a friend. “Please hurry.” I  46  .

He looked at me over his glasses. “Now, lady, won’t be  47  . I want to do a good job.” He was silent a moment. “You see, I have a tradition(惯例)to  48   up to.”

A  49   ? In this ugly little shop that was no difference  50   so many others on the side streets of New York?

He  51   have felt my surprise, for he smiled as he went on. “Yes, lady, my father and grandfather were shoemakers in Italy, and they were the best. My father always told me,” Son, do the  52   job on every shoe that  53  into the shop, and be  54   of your fine work, Do that always, and you’ll have  55   happiness and money to live on.

36.A.put           B.make          C.have          D.order

37.A.work          B.job            C.thing          D.matter

38.A.by            B.in             C.for            D.with

39.A.lived          B.got            C.stayed         D.moved

40.A.neighborhood    B.country        C.shop          D.house

41.A.on            B.out            C.down          D.off

42.A.made          B.took           C.got           D.had

43.A.Happily        B.Sadly          C.Proudly        D.Angrily

44.A.heel           B.shoe           C.back          D.top

45.A.that           B.while          C.when          D.because

46.A.ordered        B.begged         C.said           D.expected

47.A.late           B.over           C.long           D.done

48.A.look           B.keep           C.live           D.set

49.A.job            B.tradition        C.moment        D.shop

50.A.from          B.of            C.with           D.by

51.A.couldn’t        B.should         C.wouldn’t       D.must

52.A.most          B.first           C.best           D.last

53.A.brings         B.comes         C.sends          D.hurries

54.A.proud          B.kind           C.fond          D.able

55.A.both           B.all            C.much          D.most


35.-Have you got your test result?

-Not yet. The papers     .

    A.are not correcting                 B.have not corrected

    C.have already been corrected          D.are still being corrected


34.Don’t talk about international      at this moment. Let’s get down to     .

    A.business, affairs  B.affairs, business  C.things, affairs    D.affairs, matters

