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28.-John, may I ask you a favor?


    A.I’m sorry, but why?               B.Yes, you could.

    C.Sure, what is it?                  D.I’d love to, and I’m busy.


27.With the door     on, the thief’s heart     faster. He      the window open and

jumped out of it in a hurry.

    A.being knocked, hit, beat             B.being knocked, beat, hit

    C.knocked, beat, struck              D.beat, hit, struck


26.It     that he could     his illness.

    A.looked, pull on                   B.so happened, pull away

    C.seemed, pull over                 D.appeared, pull through


25.The mother felt very weak,     she carried the baby in her arms all the way to the hospital.

    A.however        B.still           C.so            D.yet


24.     outside in the street, the man was sent to hospital at once.

    A.Found lying and dying fast           B.Found lying and almost died

    C.To be found dying                D.Finding dead


23.-Jim, did you have a good time at the party?

-Yes, but I really     have because I had a lot of work to do.

    A.shouldn’t       B.mustn’t        C.needn’t        D.couldn’t


22.-Do you enjoy listening to records?

   -I think records are often     actual performance.

    A.as good any other                 B.as good or better than an

    C.as good as or better than an          D.good and better than an


第一节  单项选择(共15小题,满分15分)

21.Besides the others, there was still   third one who said he was   second to reach the end.

    A.a, a           B.a, the          C.the, the        D.the, a





6.What’s the problem with the man?

    A.He could get to the match on time.

    B.He will not be able to play the match.

    C.His father will not let him use his car.

7.What will the woman do?

    A.Try to make her son change his mind.

    B.Try to persuade her husband.

    C.Go to the match with her son.


8.Why does the woman refuse to speak to John?

    A.John didn’t keep his promise.

    B.John doesn’t want to tell his story.

    C.John is trying to make her upset.

9.Why didn’t John call her?

    A.He couldn’t get a phone.

    B.He didn’t get the phone number.

    C.He couldn’t get through.

10.When does the woman agree to meet the man?

    A.In the mid-noon.       B.At 6 o’clock.          C.At 7 o’clock.


11.What does Mr. Smith like to do?

    A.To talk with his friend.   B.To play cards.         C.To go out with his dog.

12.Where did his dog go when Mr. Smith jumped into a car?

    A.It jumped into the same car.

    B.It jumped into the friend’s car.

    C.It jumped into another car.

13.Who was in the wrong car?

    A.Mr. Smith.           B.Both of them.         C.The dog.


14.About what percentage of people are black in Los Angeles?

    A.16 percent.           B.36 percent.           C.60 percent.

15.What is true about Thomas Bradley?

    A.He wrote articles for newspapers.

    B.He used to be a poor farmer.

    C.He was looked down upon in his youth.

16.How many terms had the precious city’s mayor served?

    A.Two terms.           B.Three terms.          C.Four terms.

17.Why did Los Angles voters elect Thomas Bradley mayor of Los Angeles?

    A.Because he earned a law degree in a night school.

    B.Because they had formed a good opinion of him.

    C.Because there was a large population of black people.


18.Which was typical of a family during the first half of this century?

    A.The mother as well as the father worked outside the home.

    B.Parents, children and grandparents live in a large family.

    C.The father took care of the house as well as the children.

19.Why had the typical family begun to change by World War Ⅱ?

    A.The population had increased rapidly in rural areas.

    B.More and more parents worked full time.

    C.A large number of farm families had moved to the cities.

20.What is the main idea of the passage?

    A.The change of the American family.

    B.Typical American family today.

    C.American women and family.




1.How much earlier does the man want to leave?

    A.50 minutes.           B.15 minutes.           C.5 minutes.

2.What happened last night?

    A.There was a storm.     B.There was a heavy snow.    C.There was an earthquake.

3.How often does the man’s wife go to the cinema?

    A.Once a month.        B.Once every two weeks.  C.Four times a month.

4.How is the man going there?

    A.By train.             B.By plane.             C.By ship.

5.What does the man prefer to do?

    A.Take care of the kids.    B.Cut the lawn.          C.Do things alone.

