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28. Which is wrong? 

A. You must have studied English for years, haven’t you? 

B. Pass me a book, don’ you? 

C. He must have arrived yesterday, didn’t he? 

D. Everybody is here, aren’t they? 


27. -I’d like to invite you to a concert this evening. 

-Thank you, but    I’ll be free I’m not sure at the moment. 

A. while      B. if       C. when     D. whether 


26. The driver kept    about the accident    lose his job. 

A. still; in order to not          B. quiet; not so as to 

C. silent; so as not to           D. calm; in order not to 


25.    fun it is to jump into a pool or go swimming in summer! 

A. What a      B. How       C. How a     D. What 


24. My teacher often said in class, “Let’s    in English.” 

A. say       B. talk      C. speak     D. tell 


23.-     I return the dictionary within three days? 

 -No, you     . You    it for five days. 

A. May; needn’t; can borrow   

B. Can; mustn’t; would have 

C. Must; don’t have to; can keep   

D. Shall; can’t; should read 


22.     Mary     Rose know nothing about the matter, for they didn’t come to the meeting yesterday. 

A. Either;or          B. Both;and     

C. Neither;nor         D. Not only; but 




21. -What are you doing, Jim? 

 -I'm    telephone to my friend in London. 

A. on the    B. in the     C. on a      D. for a 

