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23.-He failed to reach the top of the mountain.

-That's right. Perhaps he might as well ______ it on such a bad day.

A.not climb                B.never have climbed

C.have climbed               D.hadn't climbed 


22.-Did you enjoy the novel?

-Yes, it was so interesting that I couldn't ______ it.

A.get rid of                 B.break away from

C.keep away from              D.tear myself away from 




21.-Do you mind if Peter joins you in your work?

-Yes, I do. I'll be glad to work with ______ Peter.

A.anybody but     B.everybody and    C.nobody but     D.all besides 



Wanted: 80 Holiday Camp Assistants for USA Summer Camps

Age 18-25 male and female

Must be able to do at least some of the following;

* play a musical instrument

* sing

* play baseball/basketball/volleyball

* swim

Work is offered during the following periods:

June 21-July 20; July20-August 18 August 18-September 16

Experience preferred.

Write, saying when you can work, and giving phone/Email numbers to:

Holiday Extra, PO BOX 2720, Denver, Colorado, USA.



Dear Sir or Madam,

I have read your advertisement for Holiday Camp Assistants and would like to ….







Dear Mr. And Mrs Chen,

I am writing to tell you about

your son. Recently we are rather worried him 81.

He suddenly told his teacher what he did not 82.

want to sit near his friend William. His teacher 83.

was surprised and allow him to move. The next 84.

week when asking to hand in his homework, 85.

we said he was very bored with always write the 86.

wame way And then he painted his face blue colour. 87.

I wonder if he is behaving strange at home. I 88.

think it would be good idea if you could come 89.

to school to discuss it with me sometimes this week . 90.

Yours sincerely,

Agnes Chow

