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35.As is known to all,_____ attention you pay to your spelling,_____ mistakes you will make.

A.the more;the less          B.the less;the fewer 

C.the less;the more          D.the more;the more 


34.The team_____ by the famous Italian coach _____ among the best in the league. 

A.to be headed;was             B.headed;was 

C.being headed;were      D.having been headed;were


33.-My goodness!We have missed the flight. 

-We _____ it,but we were caught in the traffic jam. 

A.could have caught       B.ought to catch 

C.might catch         D.must have caught


32.-What terrible weather!I simply can't get the lorry _____. 

-Why not try _____ the engine with hot water? 

A.started;to fill             B.starting;to fill 

C.start;filling               D.to start;filling


31.While the weather's fine,I must _____ repainting the house. 

A.insist on    B.stick to    C.get down to       D.keep on


30.-Haven't seen you for ages!Do you still work in Fuzhou? 

-_____.It's two years since I worked there. 

A.Yes,I have               B.Yes,I do 

C.No,I haven't                 D.No,I don't


29.-Did you go to the English summer camp last July? 

-I had been planning to go,but I got sick the last minute. 


A.what a shame                B.sorry 

C.it doesn't matter        D.that's all right

