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25.-Shall I buy this book for Tim?

  -_________. He might already have it.

   A.I don’t agree            B.No problem

   C.You can’t do that          D.You’d better not


24.-________ your car here, or you’ve got to be fined.

  -But where on earth can I park?

   A.Park       B.Don’t park    C.Parking      D.Not parking


23.What color is it _________ you have painted your house?

   A.what       B.where      C.which       D.that


22.-Car 17 won the race.

  -Yes, but its driver came close to ________.

   A.having been killed          B.have been killed

   C.be killed               D.being killed


21.I couldn’t make out what they were saying, for they spoke to me _________.

   A.right away    B.all the time    C.in all      D.at once

