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33.-What were you doing when I phoned you yesterday evening? 

-I_____my homework and was starting to take a bath. 

A.had just finished              B.was finishing 

C.have already finished           D.was going to finish 


32. -Kennedy Airport, please, I have to be there by 7. 

-_____, but I'll do my best. 

A.No problem                 B.That's OK 

C.I can't promise                D.I can't do that 


31.We were just_____calling you up_____you come in. 

A.about; when                   B.beginning; while 

C.on the point of; when           D.out of; as 


30.If you go to Xi'an, you'll find the palaces there more splendid than commonly_____. 

A.supposed     B.suppose     C.to suppose     D.supposing 


29.I think it_____to let farmers have their own land.In that way, they can farm the land by themselves, and food production will be higher. 

A.no good                       B.makes sense    

C.talks sense                     D.usefulness 


28.-What made Jack look so worried? 

-_____his expensive and favourite ten-speed bike. 

A.Being lost       B.Having lost       C.Losing        D.To be lost


27.-Did you enjoy yourself at the party? 

-Sorry to say I didn't.It was_____a meeting than a party. 

A.any more                    B.rather like 

C.no less                      D.more or less 


26.I'm not sure what time I'll arrive, maybe half past seven or a quarter to eight._____,I'll be there  as early as possible. 

A.Anyhow      B.However    C.Thus         D.Therefore 


25.The nurse treated the naughty boy very kindly, but her patience_____at last. 

A.went down     B.used up     C.got away     D.gave out 


24. -Haven't you been to the Great Wall since you came to China?

-_____.But how I wish to! 

A.No, I have                 B.Yes, I have 

C.No, I haven't                D.Yes, I haven't 

