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33.I have no one    me, for I am a newcomer here.

    A.help           B.helping        C.to help         D.to have helped


32.They fell in love      .

    A.in first sight.    B.at first sight     C.in sight        D.at the first sight


31.After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced     trucks in 2002 as the year before.

    A.as twice many    B.as many twice    C.twice as many    D.twice many as


30.What do you feed the chickens      ?

    A.on            B.to            C.不填          D.as


29.     good, the food was soon sold out.

    A.Tasted         B.Being tasted     C.Having tasted    D.Tasting


28.He is such a lazy man    nobody wants to work with     .

    A.as; him        B.that; whom      C.as; 不填       D.whom; him


27.My money     , I must go to the bank to draw some of savings out before I’ve none in hand.

    A.has run out      B.is running out    C.has been run out  D.is being run out


26.     several mistakes he made, the composition was well done on the whole.

    A.Apart from      B.Including       C.Without        D.Together with


25.While you think of how much the company can give you, you should think of    you can do for the company.

    A.what          B.how           C.that           D.which


24.The three friends all     for the same job.

    A.required        B.chose          C.applied         D.referred

