
 0  311506  311514  311520  311524  311530  311532  311536  311542  311544  311550  311556  311560  311562  311566  311572  311574  311580  311584  311586  311590  311592  311596  311598  311600  311601  311602  311604  311605  311606  311608  311610  311614  311616  311620  311622  311626  311632  311634  311640  311644  311646  311650  311656  311662  311664  311670  311674  311676  311682  311686  311692  311700  447348 

22.You     television .Why not do something more active?

    A.always watch                    B.are always watching

    C.have always watched               D.have always been watching




21.-Come in ,please. Make yourself at home.


    -I’m glad that you like it .

    A.Thanks. You have a very nice place here.

    B.Oh ,this picture is so beautiful.

    C.Thanks. What nice food you have prepared!

    D.OK. Let me have a good look at your new house.



(Text 6)

M: Can I help you?

W: Yes. I bought this television just yesterday, but it stopped working this morning.

M: Let me have a look.

W: I'd like to change it for another one.

M: Well, have you got your receipt, madam?

W: Yes, here it is. M : Just a moment, madam. I need to talk to the manager.

(Text 7)

W: Are you busy tomorrow night? I'm going over to the Workers Club for volleyball if you’d like to come along.

M: Isn't that far away?

W: Not really. If you take the NO.3 bus, you can get there in ten minutes. And if volleyball doesn't interest you, they've got a huge indoor swimming pool, a weight room , and indoor track. It's a great place to meet people.

M: Now that you mentioned it , it would be nice to get away from the computer center for a change , and I really should get some more exercise. Working up a sweat in a ball game or the weight room would be nice. I've got ten so fat.

W: Look at me -- You're not the only one. In high school, I had a lot more time to do sports

activities. Now what little spare time you have must be used in doing exercise. At least the club is open until 12 p.m.

M: I guess it's worth a visit. Did you say you're going tomorrow night?

W: Yeah.

M: OK, I'll come, too. How about meeting me in front of the cinema at eight, and we'll catch the

bus there.

W: Sure, see you then.

(Text 8)

W: Excuse me, is there a bank near here, please?

M: A bank? No, there's no bank near here...Well, there's one in College Road. Have you ever been

to College Road?

W: No. It's my first visit here. How can I get there?

M: You can go there by bus.

W: Which bus, please?

M: Bus No. 8 will take you there.

W: How far is the bank from here?

M: It's about half an hour's ride.

W: 0h, it's a long drive. Well, could you tell me where I could take the bus?

M: You can take the bus from Bridge Street.

W: 0h, what sort of bank is it, please?

M: It's an International Bank.

W: Thank you very much.

M: You're welcome.

(Text 9)

M: Shall we watch TV for a while?

W: I don't like American TV. People keep hitting each other and shooting each other.

M: Yes, some of the shows are quite violent. But maybe life is like that.

W: I don't believe it. The people here I've met are very kind.

M: So are the people I know. But look at the newspapers. There's a lot of violence in every paper.

W: Maybe nice people are not interesting enough.

M: You're probably right. People won't buy newspapers unless there's exciting news in them.

W: Is that why there's so much violence on TV? Won't people watch a show unless violent things happen?

M: I don't know. A lot of people like shows about the Old West, with cowboys and Indians fighting each other. I don't like them myself.

W: Neither do I.

M: They don't actually show how people really lived in the Old West.

W: Of course not.

(Text 10)

A woman wearing old style clothes stood at the window of a shop. She thought for a moment, for she did not know whether she should come in and finally she went in. She asked to see a good dress in the window. The assistant was cleaning his front desk. He raised his head and took a quick look at the woman. He didn't like the way she was dressed at all. Then he spoke slowly, "This dress has been sold. "

Hearing that, the woman walked out of the shop angrily. She decided to punish the assistant the next day.

She came to the shop again the next day. This time she was dressed in a magnificent coat with a handbag. She found the rude assistant and asked for the same dress. The assistant didn't recognize her. He followed her instructions happily. After he got the dress with great difficulty, the woman said she didn't like it. Then she asked for another dress, pretended to look at it for a while and said she disliked it again. In this way, she enjoyed making him bring her almost everything in the window.  Finally she bought the dress that she had first asked for and left the shop with satisfaction, leaving the tired assistant and a pile of dresses.


1-5 BABCA  6-10 BCCAB 11-15 AABAC 16-20 BCBCB

21 – 25 CAADC  26 – 30 CDBDC  31 – 35 CC CCB 36 – 40 BDBCA  41 – 45 BACDC  46 – 50 ADCBA  51 – 55 ABDCA

56 – 60 DBCAB  61 – 65ABCCD  66 –70ACBDB  71 – 75DC A A D   

76. easy – easily  77. begin–began  78. √  79.  which–that      80. jump – jumping 

81. a – the  82.  have∧been   83.was  84. to – for  85. tell ∧the

Dear editor:

I’m writing to tell you about the discussion we’ve had about whether it is necessary for middle school students to carry mobile phones to school.

The majority of the students think that it is more convenient for them to keep in touch with their parents and classmates if they have a mobile phone. And what’s more, it’s a fashion.

However, most teachers think that middle school students are not old enough to control themselves. It is a waste of time for students to play games and send messages to each other by mobile phone. And it’s easy to cause the students to vie with each other. If necessary they can make phone calls by using public phones on the campus.

In my opinion. following the fashion is understandable. But as middle school students, we should put all our heart into our studies.

                        Yours truly

                           Li Hua



  (Text 1)

M: I like this room.

W: Me, too. Its window looks out on the sea.

(Text 2)

W: I like to read Chris Paine.

M: So do I. I hear he writes on his computer and his new book will come out next.

W: Great! I've got to get one as soon as possible.


M: Good morning, Mrs. Green. Come in. What can I do for you?

W: Well, I'm having difficulty in sleeping. I often wake up at three in the morning and I just can't go back to sleep.

(Text 4)

W: Do you know that Michel Owen has won the France football golden ball prize?

M: I'm not surprised. He had twenty goals this season.

(Text 5)

W: Good morning. Can I help you?

M: Yes. I'd like a double room.

W: How many nights do you plan to stay with us?

M: Three.1 will be checking out on Friday morning.








3.参考词汇:攀比:vie with…  在校园内:on the campus

Dear editor:

I’m writing to tell you about the discussion










I got to the stadium early so as to find my seat easy .       76.     

The performance begin at 7:30 p. m., when all          77.     

the seats were taken. We, the audience, were so excited by    78.     

the special sound of heavy metal which we couldn’t       79.     

help crying and jump. Suddenly I heard the sharp sound   80.      

of an Ambulance and saw a young man taken out of a stadium.    81.     

He must have injured in the excitement, but this didn’t stop  82.     

the concert. It was still went on smoothly. When the            83.     

performance was over, the singer thanked us to our         84.     

enthusiasm(热情)and support .We kept cheering for him

some time. To tell truth , I’m really crazy about the        85.       

   heavy metal music. I’m sure I’ll be a fan of this popular type of music. 

