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26.  I had no idea which was better, so I took __________ of them.

A. any       B. every     C. none      D. both


25.  ---Now that you like the car so much, why not drive it back?

---Well, I can’t afford __________ car.

A. that big a       B. a that big      C. that a big      D. a big that


24.  He’s late, _________ is often the case.

A. as     B. what      C. it     D. this


23.  ---How do you like the necklace?

---Oh, perfect! It’s the _________ thing I’m after.

A. exact      B. right      C. just       D. very


22.  ---Don’t you believe me?

---___________, I’ll believe __________ you say.

A. No…whatever          B. Yes… no matter what       

C. No…no matter what      D. Yes…whatever


21.  Some people say that ________ British are __________ funny people.

A. the…a     B. /…the     C. the…the       D. the…/


20.  ---Hello, Tina. Have you seen Professor Black lately?

---Yes. He ____________ with his wife when I came to see him one week ago.

A. quarreled      B. was quarrelling     C. has quarreled   D. had been quarrelling


19.  The Chinese government has decided to develop the west of China, _________ , I dare say, will benefit the people there, especially those who are still leading a poor life.

A. what      B. whatever      C. which     D. that


18.  It is well-known to us that it is such great efforts that all the Chinese athletes have made _________ helped the Chinese Olympic Delegation get 28 gold medals in Sydney Olympic Games.

A. that       B. in case        C. how      D. why


17.  The microcomputer made in the USA is cheaper than _________ made in Germany.

A. one       B. it     C. that       D. another

