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36.  _________, he had a car accident and was seriously injured.

A. Making things worse         B. To make things worse

C. Making the things worse      D. To make the things worse


35.  Where was __________ you picked up the wallet?

A. it     B. the place      C. the place that       D. it that


34.  ---Can you give me the right answer?

---Sorry. I _________. Would you repeat the question?

A. wouldn’t listen  B. haven’t listened     C. don’t listen     D. wasn’t listening


33.  The salesman scolded the girl __________ and let her off.

A. caught stealing   B. caught to steal   C. catching stealing        D. catching stolen


32.  ---The dish is delicious!

---Well, at least it’s ____________ the one I cooked yesterday.

A. as bad as       B. no worse than   C. as well as      D. not better than


31.  Miss Smith is shy and never speaks until _____________.

A. asking to       B. spoken to      C. speaking       D. asked


30.  The climb down was even harder; one of my classmates had his leg broken, yet _______ of us knew where we could find a doctor.

A. none      B. neither        C. no one        D. nobody


29.  It was at the very beginning __________ Mr Fox made the decision ________ we should send more fire-fighters there.

A. when…which       B. where…what       C. then…so      D. that…that


28.  Unless they are programmed by humans, computers are nothing more than big pieces of metal. But once ____________what to do, they show extraordinary power in carrying it out.

A. taught     B. teaches        C. teaching       D. to teach


27.  Bill stood thoughtfully looking at the door, as the __________ closed it.

A. old friendly little man               B. little friendly old man

C. friendly old little man            D. friendly little old man

