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1This is   (仅) the latest example of government interference.

2  (牡丹) is well-known as the national flower of China.

3Some officials have the   (特殊待遇) of having their special cars.

4.Don’t judge a person’s intelligence by his   (外表).


60.  _______ you apologize for what you have just said _______ it is all over between us.

A. Either…or     B. Not only…but also      C. Whether…or       D. Neither…nor


59.  Mary ________ my letter, otherwise she would have gone to the concert.

A. has received                      B. ought to have received

C. couldn’t have received               D. shouldn’t have received


58.  You’d better change another book, because _______ page of the book is torn, and _______ cover looks very old.

A. the…the       B. a…a      C. a…the     D. the…a


57.  So funny ________ that everybody burst out laughing.

A. she looked      B. was she looking     C. did she look        D. had she looked

