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7.Mum,I’m so busy now and I can’t help    housework.

A.to doing    B.doing       C.do         D.to have done


6.    we can’t get seems better than    we have.

A.What;what    B.What;that     C.That;that     D.That;what


5.You’ve got to help me.I’ve   else to go.

A.somewhere    B.everywhere     C.nowhere      D.anywhere


4.He’s been  to the State Supreme Court in California.

A.abandoned    B.promoted      C.appointed     D.claimed


3.There has been development on a large  since 1980.

A.amount      B.number       C.growth      D.scale


2.Did you notice the    on the doctor?s face when he heard that Kino had found the pearl of the world?

A.appearance     B.expression    C.description    D.look



1.We went to a lot of    to provide the safety equipment so please take care of it.

A.cost     B.expense     C.money    D.efforts



1A:Before the eighteenth century,botany was merely a branch of medicine.

B:Before the eighteenth century,botany          a branch of medicine.

2A:Some scientists classified plants into herbs and trees.

B:Some scientists    plants     herbs and trees.

3A:Charles Darwin enjoyed all the freedom to experiment and do whatever he liked.

B:Charles Darwin enjoyed all the freedom to experiment and do        he liked.

4A:Most of the life forms could be found nowhere else.

B:Most of the life forms     be found    else.

5A:His experiments were designed to support the ideas concerning the influence of environment upon plants.

B:His experiments were designed to support the ideas    the influence of environment upon plants.


Bunch lassify osy appoint calculate abandon reward detail altogether settle

1Winners will   a trip to England.

2He can probably tell us all the   we want.

3A   of children were at play.

4Our visitors arrived at the   time.

5People working in libraries spend a lot of time   books.

6I felt warm and    sitting by the fire.

7I have   that there are 10 080 minutes in a week.

8   ,the book is quite interesting.

9I can’t make up my mind where to   .

10The driver    his car in the snow.


5。Turesson’s findings show that habitat,such as soil conditions is of equal importance to the output of crops.

A.Turesson’s findings show that habitat is more important than soil conditions.

B.Turesson’s findings show that habitat is as important as Mendel’s genetics.

C.Turesson’s findings show that Mendel’s genetics is less important than habitat.

D.Turesson’s findings show that habitat is not important.

