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1Advertising is a high developed industry.

2He cost much money on advertisements.

3The United Nations selected famous people to make its program knowing to the public.

4He frequent visited his mother in hospital recent days.

5The boss always has his workers to work overtime.

6Peter was elected the chairman of the Students? Union.

7Some ads hide important informations by using small print.

8Good advertisements make that possible to introduce new products.

9It’s difficult to get this text crossing.

10We found our house break into that afternoon.



1.She went to court and accused him  cheating.

A.for   B.of  C.about   D.with

2When Peter was away on business,his neighbor gave his wife  with the housework.

A.an aid  B.a help  C.a hand  D.a lift

3We’re annoyed by his  unpunctuality.

A.always   B.often   C.frequent  D.fall

4People can  badly to certain food additives.

A.act   B.react   C.creat   D.active

5How much do you  for mending shoes?

6When people think of this brand,they always    it with good quality.

A.associate  B.advertise  bine  D.trade

7I don’t know much about China;  ,I can’t advise you about it.

A.however   B.otherwise   C.therefore  D.but

8In many countries,packets of cigarettes come with a government health warning  them.

A.attaching with     B.attached with

C.attaching to      D.attached to

9She armed herself   the interview by finding out all   she could about the company in advance.

A.with;/   B.for;/  C.for;what  D.with;that

10It took some explaining to   my ideas  .

A.get;across     B.get;over

C.get;cross      D.get;through

11What he said   right later.

A.was proved       B.has been proved

C.proved        D.is proved

12-I’m afraid I can?t finish the magazine within the required time.

-  .

A.Please go ahead      B.That’s right

C.Not at all       D.Take your time

13The old man has so bad a cold that he has lost all  of smell.

A.feeling   B.sense  C.skill  D.strength

14The words of my old teacher left a   impression on my mind and I am still influenced by them.

A.long   B.lively  C.lasting  D.forever

15Before you make a speech,you should  your thoughts and ideas.

A.get   B.take  C.bring  D.collect

16The thing that   is not whether you fail or not,but whether you try or not.

A.cares  B.matters  siders  D.minds

17It’s beyond description.Nowhere else in the world  such a quiet,beautiful place.

there be      B.you can find

C.there can be       find you

18It was   games that cost the boy a lot of time that should have been spent on study.

A.playing       B.played

C.to have played      D.having played

19We must keep our classroom clean for dirt and disease go  .

A.from time to time     B.hand in hand

C.one after another     D.step by step

20  alone in the dark room,the little boy was so frightened as to cry.

A.LeavingB.Having leftC.To be leftD.Left


5.A:Therefore advertising,instead of making a product more expensive,often makes it cheaper.

B:Therefore advertising  make a product more expensive but makes it cheaper .


4.A:Customers see so many ads every day.The advertisers must work hard to get their message across.

B:Customers see so many ads every day.The advertisers must work hard to customers their message.


3.A:Because ads are powerful and some companies try to   mislead us,we must be careful.

B:Because ads are powerful and some companies try tous in a   way,we must be careful.


2.A:The development of radio,television and other media has gone hand in hand with the development of advertising.

B:The development of radio,television and other media is closely    the development of advertising.



1.A:Defenders of ads say that ads help us make informed choices as consumers by introducing good quality products.

B:Defenders of ads say that ads help us make choices with        of the products by introducing good quality products.


10.In today’s lesson our history teacher   the British system of government with the American one.


9.She was   of having an affair with another man.

