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4. However, what happened later proved me wrong.

Later that evening Dr Candy had put some opium into Franklin’s drink to prove to him that it would help.

prove sth to sb. : show that sth. is true or certain by means of argument or evidence.


I shall prove it to you that Mary didn’t tell you the truth.

The task proved(to be)more difficult than we’d thought.

He proved himself a better driver than the champion.


3. Rachel is stubborn in resisting his enquiries about the Moonstone to the degree that she makes it seem as if she does not want the mystery to be solved.

in: in the course of doing sth.

Rachel is so stubborn in resisting his enquiries that she makes it seem as if …


2. His move to quit smoking cigars to please her is seen by the servants as evidence that he is in love with Rachel.

move: action

quit smoking: give up smoking


1. The novel The Moonstone is set in England in 1848, but it really began 50 years earlier.

set: represent the action of a play in a specified place


The movie is set in pre-war London.


4. The top of a Christmas tree is traditionally decorated with      .

A. colored balls        B. Colored lights.  

C. colored paper       D. Star-shaped objects.


3. Christmas trees became widespread in America      .

A. in the 1920s        B. In the 1910s

C. in the 1820s        D. In the 1810s


2. In the play about Adam and Eve, the paradise tree should be      .

A.  An apple tree.       B. A pear tree.

B.  A plum tree.        D. Any fruit tree.


1. Christmas is traditionally celebrated on      .

A. December 24       B. December 25

C. December 30       D. December 31


20. A. service   B. everything  C. no trouble  D. no notice  


The Christmas Tree

In pre-Christian Europe, people believed that trees(fruit trees and evergreens in particular) were embodiment of powerful beings. In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, the designated miracle play for December 25 was the story of Adam and Eve and in this play the chief prop was an apple-hung evergreen called the paradise tree. In the sixteenth century, German families began bringing evergreens into their homes during the Christmas season. By the seventeenth century, they were known as Christbaiime(Christ trees )and were being decorated with fruits, candies, cookies; candles and wafers resembling the eucharistic host.

The first Christmas trees in America were set up by German immigrants in the 1820s and the almost universal adoption of the custom dates from the 1910s. Now at Christmas time decorated trees stand in about two-thirds of American homes. The modern American tree is usually covered with colored balls and strings of colored lights. The star on top represents the Star in the East which guided the three Wise Men to Bethlehem.


19. A. herself   B. her own   C. himself    D. the would 

