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3. -How much of his speech did you think you understand?

      -    .I wish I had worked harder.

A. Not a little       B. Very few      C. Nearly everything       D. Almost nothing


2. -The former president of Iraq was caught at last.

     -Really? Where   himself?

A. has he hidden           B. had he hidden              

C. was he hidden          D. has he been hidden


1. Don’t worry too much about   mistakes. They are  ___ natural part of learning.

A. 不填;a      B. the;a      C. the;不填       D. the; the


4. When a person discovers a fire , what is the first thing he should do ?

    A. attempt to put it out                B. telephone switchboard operator .

    C. start the alarm bells                D. contact(取得联系)the fire brigade

My friend John is not a very practical person. Driving

along a main road one dark night he suddenly had a

flat tire. Even more worse, he discovered that he didn’t         1.       

have a spared wheel in the back of his car! Jones then          2.      

waved to the past cars, but none of them stopped.             3.      

Half hour went and he almost gave up. At last,               4.      

he waved to a car just as his own. To his surprise,             5.      

the car stopped and a well-dressed young woman              6.      

got out. Jones was terribly disappointing. How               7.      

could a person like this possible help him? The lady,           8.      

however, offered him his own spare wheel, but               9.      

Jones had to explain that he has never changed a wheel in       10.      

his life. She set to work at once and fitted the wheel in a few



3. Imagine that you are a teacher , what is your first duty in case of a fire ?

    A. to check the names of your students from the list

    B. to lead your students out of the building

    C. to get detailed(细节的)instructions from your Head of Department

    D. to patrol (巡查)the stairways and landings


2. Every one in the block where the fire bells has rung must gather together       .

    A. in another block                   B. in the administration

    C. in one of the playing fields           D. in the sports hall


1. This passage gives advice on fire safety for       .

A. people using a new kind of equipment

    B. workers in engineering factory

    C. young children at school

    D. students at college


4. Sports Hall  

Inside the entrance lobby(门廊)


3. Workshops

Outside the Machines Shop No1; Engineering Machine Shop No2 .


2. Teaching Blocks

At the bottom of each stairways and on each landing .

