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6. Under the c____________of General Liang Guanglie and General Yuri Baluyevsky, Chinese and Russian troops began military exercise in Russia’s coastal city-V yesterday.


5. Some people can never go above 4,000 metres because their body is unable to ____________(适应) to these extreme conditions.


4. The ____________ (联系)between China and Africa over the centuries had led to the awareness of each other’s existence.


3. To people of early civilizations, the world map was a great p_____________.


2. Some people wonder whether the next step in _____________(探测) the planet Mars or outer space will be sending people there in a spaceship.


1. When Captain James Cook landed in New Zealand in 1769, he took possession of it in the n______ of the British Crown.


4. When their oxygen ran out, they had no chance of surviving.

  ran out: be used up; (of stocks, supplies) come to an end; be short of  用尽;缺乏

  e.g. We decided it would be best to go home before our money ran out.

    Ex: Fill in the blanks with the proper phrases below.

    run across  run away        run after        run for      run into     run out

    run out of

(1)We’ve just reached the motorway yesterday when the petrol __________.

(2)Bush _________________ President another time and succeeded.

(3)Lester didn’t expect to ________________ many of his friends at the TV show.

(4)Instead of devoting himself to his studies, he wastes his time ______________ girls.

(5)They returned home from South Africa when their money ______________.

(6)I ____________ the old photo when I was cleaning the book shelf.

(7)Millie never ________________________ ideas for clever party decorations.

(8)Many times Tommy said that he would ____________ from home but he never did.

(9)Joe lost control of his bike and ________________ a tree.


(一)Complete the sentences with proper words and phrases according to the initials given or the hint.


3. The local Tibetans and Sherpas laughed at the strange bottles containing what they referred to as “English air”.

    refer to: speak of; allude to; apply to  谈及;提及;应用于

           turn to or go to for information  参考;咨询

    e.g. Jack was careful not to refer to the woman by name.

    Ex: Fill in the blanks with the proper phrases below.

    adjust to     apply to       be similar to   look forward to       contribute to

    devote…to       be used to       lead to      refer to      turn to      stick to

(1)The term ‘groupware’ _______________ software designed to be used by several computer users at once.

(2)I welcome any change that will ___________ something better. 

(3)Davis didn’t really _____________ much______ the game in the second half. 

(4)Few people are able to ____________ themselves fully _______ their career. 

(5)The children ____________________________ the holidays in Hawaii. 

(6)It took her two years to ________________ the life in Britain. 

(7)In which way will a human trip to Mars _________________the trips of explorers in the past? 

(8)In the course of his speech, the speaker __________several times _____ his notes.

(9)They always _____________ me when they are in trouble.

(10)If everyone _____________ the rules, we shouldn’t have any problems.

(11)What I am saying perhaps does not _____________ the students in your school.

(12)After many years’ practice, the seventy-year-old man ________________ swimming in the cold water in winter.


2. In the 11th century, the Africans made several voyages to the court of the Song Dynasty.

        The fleet made several expeditions before the exploration was stopped…… 

Ex: Fill in the blanks with the proper phrases below.

    make a decision/decisions   make a voyage/voyages        make peace     make room        make sense       make (a) difference  make an expedition/ expeditions 

    make way    make friends     make one’s way      make one’s living   

    make noise(s)    make a suggestion     make an appointment  make a mistake  

(1)It doesn’t __________ a bit of _________ if you are late for my party.

(2)When the concert ended I _______________________ out of the hall.

(3)The old lady has to _____________________ by repairing bikes.

(4)Does it ____________________ to let little children do whatever they want to?

(5)I’ve __________________________ for you with the doctor for tomorrow morning.

(6)When older men retire they _____________ for younger men to take their places.

(7)There were already five people in the car, but I tried to ______________ for her.

(8)Don’t be afraid of the dog; he only wants to _________________ with you.

(9)Presently the school leaders________________________ to the physics teachers that they prepare their lessons in the physics lab.

(10)In December delegates from the various states met in London to _____________.

(11)She hasn’t _______________________ whether she should sail or fly to America.

(12)The news spread all over the town. Pile found that he ___________________ of telling his friend the secret.

(13)The neighbors said that we ____________ too much _____________.

(14)When I give up work I shall ___________ a long sea ________.

(15)He will ____________________ to the tropical rain forest of South America to photograph wild animals there.


1. Some suggested it couldn’t be accomplished.

suggest:  v. ---- propose  提议,建议   suggestion  n. 

          ---- bring (an idea, possibility) into the mind  使想起,提醒,暗示 

               suggest+ n. / doing

               suggest(提议,建议)+ 宾语从句 (用虚拟语气)  (should)+do 

               suggest(使想起,提醒,暗示)+ 宾语从句 (用实际时态)

(1)Brander suggested that ______________________________ (我们早点儿去机场) .

(2)I suggest ________________________________ (用不同的方法做这件事).

(3)The little boy’s accent(口音) suggested that ___________________(他是保定人).

(4)My best friend suggested that ___________________________(我去昆明度假).

(5)If there is a quality problem, we suggest _____________________ (和…联系)the manufacturer(生产商) directly.

(6)Can you suggest _______________________(一家高档的餐厅)?

