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第二节       书面表达:(25分)



Dear Editor,

Glad to have a chance to write to you.


                                  Li  Hua


第一节 短文改错(10分)

My neighbor’s children love playing hide-and-seek when as       76     

all children do. One afternoon, they were playing in the street     

just inside the post office. Young Lan found the perfect place       77     

to hide. His sister, Janet, had shut her eyes and was counting      

up ten when Lan noticed that the small metal door           78     

of the letter-box had left open. The post-man had           79     

brought just all the letters out and had                80     

gone in the post-office to see if there were              81    

any parcel. Lan climbed into the letter-box and pulled          82     

the door from the inside so hard that it locked, so he became very

frightened and started crying. Meantime, Janet was looking for 

him everywhere and could not find him. It was lucky she happened    83     

to hear her brother’s cries. She immediately ran to tell the postman

and unlocked the metal door. Lan was now free, but he had had

so a bad fright that he could not stop crying. The postman, however,    84     

told him that next time he wanted to hide in a letter-box, he should     85     

remember to stick a stamp on himself.


第二节  完形填空(30分)

   The new principal decided tat he’d better first take a secret 36 before doing something about Class 5A,which was the worst class in Hill Valley High School. He didn’t need to be informed 37 the class was, for 38 were leading the way.

   The door was shut from inside. The lock it had was missing, 39 knocked off, just leaving a 40 for the principal.

  Though the principal had 41 badly behaved classes before, what appeared through the 42 was still a shock for him. It was a scene that was 43 seen inaction films. But he knew what to do. He 44 go into the classroom, take hold of the 45 boy and punished him. This would be an example to the others.

  He took a deep breath and then 46 open the classroom door. He had been prepared for the scene that there should be a shock of 47, but few treated him as an important 48, and some even paid little attention to his existence.

  “Silence “ he shouted at the top of his voice. This time it was really 49. They stopped what they were doing and stared at him. Quickly he walked up to the 50 boy in the room, who he 51 had been playing an important part and also had been shouting at the others at the top of his voice.

He seized the boy by the ear and 52 him to the front of the class.

“I’m going to punish you as an example to the rest,” he said. “Now go to my office and wait for me.”

Then he turned to the class and 53 them about how to behave in school.

To 54 his speech, he said, “Does anyone have any questions?”

One of the students put up her hand. “Yes, sir. I have. When can you free my 55 back to continue his class?”

36. A. watch     B. inspection     C. look        D. examination

37. A. where     B. how       C. what        D. when

38. A. school guides   B. class titles     C. terrible noises     D. some teachers

39. A. other than    B. or rather      C. worse still       D. rather than

40. A. problem     B. fault        C. reason        D. lookout

41. A. experienced   B. heard       C. seen         D. punished

42. A. window     B. door        C. gap         D. hole

43. A. seldom     B. hardly       C. never         D. often

44. A. might      B. should       C. would        D. could

45. A. noisiest     B. biggest       C. smallest       D. youngest

46. A. pushed     B. kicked       C. forced        D. knocked

47. A. silence     B. surprise       C. cries         D. paleness

48. A. teacher      B. principal      C. role         D. person

49. A. heard      B. working      C. shouted       D. surprising

50. A. oldest-looking   B. ordinary-looking   C. funny-looking     D. ill-looking

51. A. believed     B. supposed      C. guessed       D. recognized

52. A. pushed      B. pulled       C. ordered       D. got

53. A. announced    B. said        C. declared       D. lectured

54. A. add to      B. carry on      C. end up        D. show off

55. A. teacher      B. brother       C. monitor       D. desk-mate


35. Was it October1st 1949 ____ the People’s Republic of China was founded? 

  A. that         B. in which       C. when      D. on that

