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第一节  语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


例:The boy ________Manchester United. He watches every match they play.

A. adores      B. fans      C. hates      D. plays

21.This morning Maggie borrowed my book and said would return it very________.

A. early   B. fast       C. quickly    D. soon


第一节  短文改错(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)






Dear Editor,

   Recently our class have had a heating discussion about whether      76. ______

the Beijing Zoo should be moved out of the city. Some of my         77.______

classmates are in favor with the move. They say large crowds of        78. ______

tourists to the zoo will result traffic jams. They also say that once        79. ______

moved, animals will have more space and better living condition        80. ______

in the suburbs . However, others are against the idea , say that the        81. ______

Beijing Zoo has history of 100years, and is well-known at home        82. ______

and abroad. So it should remain where it is. What’s up, moving        83. ______

may cause to the death of some of animals. To move or not , this is       84. ______

a big decision that has to be made by people in Beijing.

                      Yours, truly

                       Li Hua

2             书面表达(满分25分)


1、 获取信息
2、 了解时事
3、 欣赏音乐、电影

1、 影响学习
2、 迷恋网络游戏
3、 诱发青少年犯罪



    3、参考词汇:时事:current affairs   犯罪:to commit a crime

