
 0  311587  311595  311601  311605  311611  311613  311617  311623  311625  311631  311637  311641  311643  311647  311653  311655  311661  311665  311667  311671  311673  311677  311679  311681  311682  311683  311685  311686  311687  311689  311691  311695  311697  311701  311703  311707  311713  311715  311721  311725  311727  311731  311737  311743  311745  311751  311755  311757  311763  311767  311773  311781  447348 

32.The wind turned my u_____inside out.          


31.Don't w_____ your money on silly things     


20. All the boys were standing up s_________.              


21.I'll go and see you next_________(星期六).         
22..Bill has a large collection of________(外国)stamps.     
23. Do you think_________(游泳)is allowed in the canal?     
24. The book is_________(翻译)from Russian.         
25.All countries, big or small, should be_________(平等).     
26.They're busy_________(准备)to go on holiday.        
27.Don't be frightened by the television camera. Just speak____________(自然地)  
28.What will the_________(天气)be like tomorrow?      
29.Their office is on the_________(第九)floor.         
30.A fence at the back of the garden_________(分开)us from the neighbours.



11. I am pleased that he gladly a________ our invitation.      12. A soldier's duty is to o_______ orders.             13. Some people work better under p________.          14. I changed into my sports shoes so that I could walk more c________. 15. The patient kept c________ all night.             16. We've got to be p________ and buy only what we need.     17. The artist held an e__________ of his works last month.      18. We gave our classroom a t_________ cleaning before the National Day.   19. Parents should help their children to form good h______.       


8. Children are c________ about everything around them.    9. She's bought some c_______ to make herself a dress.     10. The g_______ will build more houses for the people.   



7. We finally p______ the peasant to send his daughter to school.    


5. Several new railways are under c________ in China.       6. The students were listening to the teacher a__________.   


2. We aim at q­­­­_________ rather than quantity.         3. The National Games were well o__________.        4. Does Radio Beijing b__________ the news every hour on the hour?


1. Rice is grown in China, Japan and other A_______ countries.  


第一节  短文改错(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)






Dear Editor,

   Recently our class have had a heating discussion about whether      76. ______

the Beijing Zoo should be moved out of the city. Some of my         77.______

classmates are in favor with the move. They say large crowds of        78. ______

tourists to the zoo will result traffic jams. They also say that once        79. ______

moved, animals will have more space and better living condition        80. ______

in the suburbs . However, others are against the idea , say that the        81. ______

Beijing Zoo has history of 100years, and is well-known at home        82. ______

and abroad. So it should remain where it is. What’s up, moving        83. ______

may cause to the death of some of animals. To move or not , this is       84. ______

a big decision that has to be made by people in Beijing.

                      Yours, truly

                       Li Hua

2             书面表达(满分25分)


1、 获取信息
2、 了解时事
3、 欣赏音乐、电影

1、 影响学习
2、 迷恋网络游戏
3、 诱发青少年犯罪



    3、参考词汇:时事:current affairs   犯罪:to commit a crime

